Docking 2 proteins including ligands

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General Docking 2 proteins including ligands

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    • #817

        We’retrying to dock to heme-containing proteins together. The hemes are close to the docking interface, so we don’t feel we should dock the proteins only. We’ve used to create params files. When we try to dock, we get fold errors, as did a previous poster about 6-8 months ago. The recommendation was to try the flag -partners AB CD. When we do that, we get an error that docking:partners has multiple values & the job dies. When we try using two separate partners statements, we get a warning that the partners flag is being reset by a 2nd call, which isn’t what we want either. Is there a way around this, or are we just stuck?


      • #5137

          Maybe it takes an underscore? AB_CD? I’ll try to check when I have the code handy tomorrow…

          Are you trying it on commandline or in an options file?

        • #5138

            Using an options file. I’ll just try it & see.


          • #5139

              Yes, the underscore seems to have done the trick. I’ve moved on to another problem now:-) Thanks!

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