Hi all,
We downloaded Complex of a camelid single-domain vhh antibody 2P43, used Discovery Studio to change the numbering scheme of the PDB file to Chothia, then when we want to used “antibody_numbering_converter” to change the numbering scheme of the PDB file from Chothia to AHo, an error occurred, the command we used is ” antibody_numbering_converter.linuxgccrelease -s 2P43_clo.pdb -camelid true -input_ab_scheme Chothia -output_ab_scheme AHo “, the error is as follow:
ERROR: AntibodyNumberingConverterMover only works with L and H chains.
ERROR:: Exit from: src/protocols/antibody/AntibodyNumberingConverterMover.cc line: 140
Does antibody_numbering_converter support camelid antibody?