Does Snugdock remodeling of H3 loops include the kink constraint as in RosettaAntibody?

Member Site Forums ROSIE ROSIE – General Does Snugdock remodeling of H3 loops include the kink constraint as in RosettaAntibody?

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    • #3100

        I am docking an antibody that has 20 residues in the H3 loop.  I realize that this is a very challenging case.  From the 2017 paper by Weitzner and Gray, I understand the importance of a kink constraint in H3 loop modeling.  I want to know if the H3 loop remodeling that occurs during snugdock includes the kink constraint.  If not, I am concerned that the kink will be lost during remodeling, especially for this long loop.



      • #14615

          Hi Mike,

          In SnugDock, the kink constraint is possible if you add “-antibody:auto_generate_kink_constraint  and  -antibody:all_atom_mode_kink_constraint” to your options. This should be identical to Rosetta Antibody. You’ll know that it has run if there are “atom_pair” scores in the output score file.



        • #14616


            I have been using Snugdock on the Rosie server.  Does that have the kink constraint enabled?  I suppose it is not enabled, as there is no “atom_pair” score in the output file.  Just want to be sure about it.



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