DomainAssembly Mover with constraints (using RosettaScripts)

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    • #2513


        I am trying to run the domain assembly protocol while atom_pair constraints . I am using RosettaScripts for my application.

        I have tried including the constraint file in the xml script using the ConstraintSetMover and Reweighting the score function. I have also tried included the constraint file in the flag file using -constraint:cst_fname. Yet the output silent do not seem to include the atom_constraints score term.

        I would appreciate any help on how to include the constraints in the scoring function for domain assembly.

        Here is the flag file

        -out:prefix domAss
        -out:suffix 1
        -out:file:silent D1D2A_silent_linker.out
        -out:file:scorefile domAssD1D2A.fasc
        -seed_offset 1
        -nstruct 1
        -out::path mecpA_D1_0_mecpA_D2_0
        -in::path::database /scratch/tim/software/rosetta_git/main/database/
        -s D1D2A_doms.pdb
        -parser:protocol domain_assembly.xml
        -constraints:cst_file protein_d1_d2_xl.cst
        -constraints:cst_fa_file protein_d1_d2_xl.cst

        And the XML file:

        <SFXN1 weights=pre_talaris_2013_standard>
        <Reweight scoretype=atom_pair_constraint weight=1.0/>
        <InitializeFromCommandline name=ifcl/>
        <RestrictToRepacking name=rtr />
        <RestrictToInterfaceVector name=rtiv chain1_num=1 chain2_num=2 CB_dist_cutoff=10.0 nearby_atom_cutoff=5.5 vector_angle_cutoff=75 vector_dist_cutoff=9.0 />
        <DomainAssembly name=dom_ass linker_start_res_num="66" linker_end_res_num="85" frag3="D1D2A.200.3mers" frag9="D1D2A.200.9mers"/>
        <FastRelax name=fastrlx repeats=8 scorefxn=score12 />
        <ConstraintSetMover name=csts cst_file="protein_d1_d2_xl.cst"/>
        These movers are part of the minimization protocol put together in the minimize_iface ParsedProtocol
        <PackRotamersMover name=soft_rp scorefxn=soft_rep task_operations=rtiv,rtr,ifcl />
        <PackRotamersMover name=rp scorefxn=score12 task_operations=rtiv,rtr,ifcl />

        <TaskAwareMinMover name=soft_min tolerance=0.001 task_operations=ifcl,rtiv type=dfpmin_armijo_nonmonotone chi=1 bb=1 jump=1 scorefxn=soft_rep />
        <TaskAwareMinMover name=soft_min_sc tolerance=0.001 task_operations=ifcl,rtiv type=dfpmin_armijo_nonmonotone chi=1 bb=0 jump=0 scorefxn=soft_rep />
        <TaskAwareMinMover name=min_sc tolerance=0.0001 task_operations=ifcl,rtiv type=dfpmin_armijo_nonmonotone chi=1 bb=0 jump=0 scorefxn=score12 />
        <TaskAwareMinMover name=min tolerance=0.0001 task_operations=ifcl,rtiv type=dfpmin_armijo_nonmonotone chi=1 bb=1 jump=1 scorefxn=score12 />

        This minimization protocol is adapted from Whitehead, Fleishman, ... , Baker. See the XML scripts available in the Supp Mat.
        <ParsedProtocol name=minimize_interface mode=sequence>
        <Add mover=soft_rp />
        <Add mover=soft_min_sc />
        <Add mover=soft_rp />
        <Add mover=soft_min />
        <Add mover=soft_rp />
        <Add mover=min_sc />
        <Add mover=soft_rp />
        <Add mover=min />
        <Add mover=rp />
        <Add mover=min_sc />
        <Add mover=rp />
        <Add mover=min />
        <Add mover=csts/>
        <Add mover=dom_ass/>
        <Add mover=fastrlx/>

        A sample of my constraint file:

        AtomPair CB 72 CB 110 BOUNDED 0.0 8.0 2.0 NOE
        AtomPair CB 30 CB 160 BOUNDED 0.0 8.0 2.0 NOE
        AtomPair CB 40 CA 161 BOUNDED 0.0 8.0 2.0 NOE
        AtomPair CB 40 CB 160 BOUNDED 0.0 8.0 2.0 NOE
        AtomPair CB 30 CA 118 BOUNDED 0.0 8.0 2.0 NOE
        AtomPair CB 73 CB 110 BOUNDED 0.0 8.0 2.0 NOE
        AtomPair CA 41 CB 147 BOUNDED 0.0 8.0 2.0 NOE
        AtomPair CB 75 CB 148 BOUNDED 0.0 8.0 2.0 NOE
        AtomPair CB 75 CB 144 BOUNDED 0.0 8.0 2.0 NOE
        AtomPair CB 70 CB 111 BOUNDED 0.0 8.0 2.0 NOE
        AtomPair CB 43 CB 110 BOUNDED 0.0 8.0 2.0 NOE
        AtomPair CA 69 CB 77 BOUNDED 0.0 8.0 2.0 NOE
        AtomPair CB 73 CB 108 BOUNDED 0.0 8.0 2.0 NOE
        AtomPair CB 30 CB 149 BOUNDED 0.0 8.0 2.0 NOE

        In the the program output, the constraints seem to be loaded. Yet not taken into account while running the assembly protocol:

        protocols.rosetta_scripts.ParsedProtocol: =======================BEGIN MOVER ConstraintSetMover - csts=======================
        { read constraints from /scratch/mahmoud/crosslinking/data/experiments/mecp2/constraints/mecp2_d1_d2_xl.cst Read in 131 constraints
        =======================END MOVER ConstraintSetMover - csts=======================
        protocols.rosetta_scripts.ParsedProtocol: =======================BEGIN FILTER =======================
        =======================END FILTER =======================
        protocols.rosetta_scripts.ParsedProtocol: =======================BEGIN MOVER DomainAssembly - dom_ass=======================
        core.scoring.ScoreFunctionFactory: SCOREFUNCTION: talaris2013
        core.chemical.ResidueTypeSet: Finished initializing centroid residue type set. Created 1980 residue types Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/SecondaryStructurePotential/phi.theta.36.HS.resmooth Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/SecondaryStructurePotential/phi.theta.36.SS.resmooth Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/centroid_smooth/cen_rot_pair_params.txt Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/centroid_smooth/cen_rot_env_params.txt Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/centroid_smooth/cen_rot_pair_ang_params.txt
        core.scoring: ATOM_VDW set to CENTROID_ROT
        core.scoring: ATOM_VDW set to CENTROID_ROT
        Stage 1
        Folding with score0 for max of 2000
        protocols.abinitio: Replaced extended chain after 1 cycles.
        protocols.moves.TrialCounter: ClassicFragmentM trials= 1; accepts= 1.0000; energy_drop/trial= 0.00000
        Scores Weight Raw Score Wghtd.Score
        vdw 0.100 246.987 24.699
        Total weighted score: 24.699

        Stage 2
        Folding with score1 for 2000
        protocols.moves.TrialCounter: ClassicFragmentM trials= 2000; accepts= 1.0000; energy_drop/trial= 0.00000
        Scores Weight Raw Score Wghtd.Score
        vdw 1.000 246.987 246.987
        pair 1.000 -63.938 -63.938
        env 1.000 -8.721 -8.721
        hs_pair 1.000 0.000 0.000
        ss_pair 0.300 0.000 0.000
        sheet 1.000 0.000 0.000
        Total weighted score: 174.328

        Stage 4
        Folding with score3 for 4000
        protocols.moves.TrialCounter: ClassicFragmentM trials= 4000; accepts= 1.0000; energy_drop/trial= 0.00000
        protocols.moves.TrialCounter: SmoothFragmentMo trials= 8000; accepts= 1.0000; energy_drop/trial= 0.00000
        Scores Weight Raw Score Wghtd.Score
        vdw 1.000 246.987 246.987
        cenpack 1.000 4.726 4.726
        pair 1.000 -63.938 -63.938
        env 1.000 -8.721 -8.721
        cbeta 1.000 63.244 63.244
        rg 3.000 16.111 48.333
        hs_pair 1.000 0.000 0.000
        ss_pair 1.000 0.000 0.000
        rsigma 1.000 0.000 0.000
        sheet 1.000 0.000 0.000
        Total weighted score: 290.630

        Finished Abinitio


        Thanks for the help!




      • #11929

          There’s probably two things going on here. First off, regarding not getting the score in the output silent file, by default RosettaScripts re-scores the output structures with the commandline scorefunction. If you don’t set the scorefunction explicitly, you’ll get the default scorefunction, which typically will not have any of the constraint terms turned on. So what you’ll want to do is either set the output weights on the commandline, or use the OUTPUT tag of RosettaScripts to specify a in-XML scorefunction for final scoring.

          You’re also going to want to specify the scorefunction on the commandline anyway, as the DomainAssembly mover doesn’t take a scorefunction parameter, and is using the commandline full atom scorefunction. This is pulling up talaris2013 (!) despite the fact that you’ve specified the -restore_pre_talaris_2013_behavior flag. (Is there a particular reason you’re switching back to pre-talaris2013?)

          The other thing that’s going on is that the DomainAssembly mover is invoking the ab initio protocol, which is going through a low-resolution centroid stage. This needs various centroid-mode scorefunctions, which are read directly from the database, and not from the XML tag. What I’d try doing is specifying ‘- cst_weight’ and ‘-cst_fa_weight’ on the commandline. (Passing a parameter of 1.0 should probably be fine, but you can try increasing it if you’re getting structures which aren’t following the constraints.)

        • #12450

            There’s probably two things going on here. First off, regarding not getting the score in the output silent file, by default RosettaScripts re-scores the output structures with the commandline scorefunction. If you don’t set the scorefunction explicitly, you’ll get the default scorefunction, which typically will not have any of the constraint terms turned on. So what you’ll want to do is either set the output weights on the commandline, or use the OUTPUT tag of RosettaScripts to specify a in-XML scorefunction for final scoring.

            You’re also going to want to specify the scorefunction on the commandline anyway, as the DomainAssembly mover doesn’t take a scorefunction parameter, and is using the commandline full atom scorefunction. This is pulling up talaris2013 (!) despite the fact that you’ve specified the -restore_pre_talaris_2013_behavior flag. (Is there a particular reason you’re switching back to pre-talaris2013?)

            The other thing that’s going on is that the DomainAssembly mover is invoking the ab initio protocol, which is going through a low-resolution centroid stage. This needs various centroid-mode scorefunctions, which are read directly from the database, and not from the XML tag. What I’d try doing is specifying ‘- cst_weight’ and ‘-cst_fa_weight’ on the commandline. (Passing a parameter of 1.0 should probably be fine, but you can try increasing it if you’re getting structures which aren’t following the constraints.)

          • #12971

              There’s probably two things going on here. First off, regarding not getting the score in the output silent file, by default RosettaScripts re-scores the output structures with the commandline scorefunction. If you don’t set the scorefunction explicitly, you’ll get the default scorefunction, which typically will not have any of the constraint terms turned on. So what you’ll want to do is either set the output weights on the commandline, or use the OUTPUT tag of RosettaScripts to specify a in-XML scorefunction for final scoring.

              You’re also going to want to specify the scorefunction on the commandline anyway, as the DomainAssembly mover doesn’t take a scorefunction parameter, and is using the commandline full atom scorefunction. This is pulling up talaris2013 (!) despite the fact that you’ve specified the -restore_pre_talaris_2013_behavior flag. (Is there a particular reason you’re switching back to pre-talaris2013?)

              The other thing that’s going on is that the DomainAssembly mover is invoking the ab initio protocol, which is going through a low-resolution centroid stage. This needs various centroid-mode scorefunctions, which are read directly from the database, and not from the XML tag. What I’d try doing is specifying ‘- cst_weight’ and ‘-cst_fa_weight’ on the commandline. (Passing a parameter of 1.0 should probably be fine, but you can try increasing it if you’re getting structures which aren’t following the constraints.)

            • #11932

                Hello rmoretti,

                Many thanks for you answer!

                I tried adding the OUTPUT tag, and did indeed get the atom_pair_constraint score term in my output scores.

                I tried adding  -cst_weight and -cst_fa_weight to the flag file . This did not change the output of ab initio, i.e. no atom_pair_constraint term was in the outputs (see outputs below). Is this normal?

                I have also tried using a very high weights ‘-cst_weight 100.0’, just to see if this has an effect on the atom_pair_constraint term in my final structure (I use the weight 1.0 with the OUTPUT tag for final scoring) . The value of the atom_pair_constraint term does not change, so it seems that the constraint energy term is not taken into account in ab initio.

                Do you have an idea on what I can do next?

                Thanks again for your help!



                protocols.rosetta_scripts.ParsedProtocol: =======================BEGIN MOVER DomainAssembly - dom_ass=======================
                core.scoring.ScoreFunctionFactory: SCOREFUNCTION: talaris2013
                core.chemical.ResidueTypeSet: Finished initializing centroid residue type set. Created 1980 residue types
       Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/SecondaryStructurePotential/phi.theta.36.HS.resmooth
       Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/SecondaryStructurePotential/phi.theta.36.SS.resmooth
       Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/centroid_smooth/cen_rot_pair_params.txt
       Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/centroid_smooth/cen_rot_env_params.txt
       Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/centroid_smooth/cen_rot_pair_ang_params.txt
                core.scoring: ATOM_VDW set to CENTROID_ROT
                core.scoring: ATOM_VDW set to CENTROID_ROT
                Stage 1
                Folding with score0 for max of 2000
                protocols.abinitio: Replaced extended chain after 1 cycles.
                protocols.moves.TrialCounter: ClassicFragmentM trials= 1; accepts= 1.0000; energy_drop/trial= 0.00000
                Scores Weight Raw Score Wghtd.Score
                vdw 0.100 246.987 24.699
                Total weighted score: 24.699

                Stage 2
                Folding with score1 for 2000
                protocols.moves.TrialCounter: ClassicFragmentM trials= 2000; accepts= 1.0000; energy_drop/trial= 0.00000
                Scores Weight Raw Score Wghtd.Score
                vdw 1.000 246.987 246.987
                pair 1.000 -63.938 -63.938
                env 1.000 -8.721 -8.721
                hs_pair 1.000 0.000 0.000
                ss_pair 0.300 0.000 0.000
                sheet 1.000 0.000 0.000
                Total weighted score: 174.328

                Stage 3
                Folding with score2 and score5 for 2000
                protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                protocols.moves.TrialCounter: ClassicFragmentM trials= 99; accepts= 1.0000; energy_drop/trial= 0.00000
                Scores Weight Raw Score Wghtd.Score
                vdw 1.000 246.987 246.987
                cenpack 0.500 4.726 2.363
                pair 1.000 -63.938 -63.938
                env 1.000 -8.721 -8.721
                cbeta 0.250 63.244 15.811
                hs_pair 1.000 0.000 0.000
                ss_pair 1.000 0.000 0.000
                sheet 1.000 0.000 0.000
                Total weighted score: 192.502

                Stage 4
                Folding with score3 for 4000
                protocols.moves.TrialCounter: ClassicFragmentM trials= 4000; accepts= 1.0000; energy_drop/trial= 0.00000
                protocols.moves.TrialCounter: SmoothFragmentMo trials= 8000; accepts= 1.0000; energy_drop/trial= 0.00000
                Scores Weight Raw Score Wghtd.Score
                vdw 1.000 246.987 246.987
                cenpack 1.000 4.726 4.726
                pair 1.000 -63.938 -63.938
                env 1.000 -8.721 -8.721
                cbeta 1.000 63.244 63.244
                rg 3.000 16.111 48.333
                hs_pair 1.000 0.000 0.000
                ss_pair 1.000 0.000 0.000
                rsigma 1.000 0.000 0.000
                sheet 1.000 0.000 0.000
                Total weighted score: 290.630

                Finished Abinitio

                protocols::checkpoint: Deleting checkpoints of ClassicAbinitio
                core.pack.task: Packer task: initialize from command line()
                core.pack.dunbrack: Dunbrack 2010 library took 0.32 seconds to load from binary
                core.pack.interaction_graph.interaction_graph_factory: Instantiating DensePDInteractionGraph
                core.pack.pack_rotamers: built 2078 rotamers at 100 positions.
                core.pack.pack_rotamers: IG: 1927864 bytes
                protocols::checkpoint: Deleting checkpoints of Abrelax
                =======================END MOVER DomainAssembly - dom_ass=======================

              • #12453

                  Hello rmoretti,

                  Many thanks for you answer!

                  I tried adding the OUTPUT tag, and did indeed get the atom_pair_constraint score term in my output scores.

                  I tried adding  -cst_weight and -cst_fa_weight to the flag file . This did not change the output of ab initio, i.e. no atom_pair_constraint term was in the outputs (see outputs below). Is this normal?

                  I have also tried using a very high weights ‘-cst_weight 100.0’, just to see if this has an effect on the atom_pair_constraint term in my final structure (I use the weight 1.0 with the OUTPUT tag for final scoring) . The value of the atom_pair_constraint term does not change, so it seems that the constraint energy term is not taken into account in ab initio.

                  Do you have an idea on what I can do next?

                  Thanks again for your help!



                  protocols.rosetta_scripts.ParsedProtocol: =======================BEGIN MOVER DomainAssembly - dom_ass=======================
                  core.scoring.ScoreFunctionFactory: SCOREFUNCTION: talaris2013
                  core.chemical.ResidueTypeSet: Finished initializing centroid residue type set. Created 1980 residue types
         Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/SecondaryStructurePotential/phi.theta.36.HS.resmooth
         Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/SecondaryStructurePotential/phi.theta.36.SS.resmooth
         Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/centroid_smooth/cen_rot_pair_params.txt
         Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/centroid_smooth/cen_rot_env_params.txt
         Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/centroid_smooth/cen_rot_pair_ang_params.txt
                  core.scoring: ATOM_VDW set to CENTROID_ROT
                  core.scoring: ATOM_VDW set to CENTROID_ROT
                  Stage 1
                  Folding with score0 for max of 2000
                  protocols.abinitio: Replaced extended chain after 1 cycles.
                  protocols.moves.TrialCounter: ClassicFragmentM trials= 1; accepts= 1.0000; energy_drop/trial= 0.00000
                  Scores Weight Raw Score Wghtd.Score
                  vdw 0.100 246.987 24.699
                  Total weighted score: 24.699

                  Stage 2
                  Folding with score1 for 2000
                  protocols.moves.TrialCounter: ClassicFragmentM trials= 2000; accepts= 1.0000; energy_drop/trial= 0.00000
                  Scores Weight Raw Score Wghtd.Score
                  vdw 1.000 246.987 246.987
                  pair 1.000 -63.938 -63.938
                  env 1.000 -8.721 -8.721
                  hs_pair 1.000 0.000 0.000
                  ss_pair 0.300 0.000 0.000
                  sheet 1.000 0.000 0.000
                  Total weighted score: 174.328

                  Stage 3
                  Folding with score2 and score5 for 2000
                  protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                  protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                  protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                  protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                  protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                  protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                  protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                  protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                  protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                  protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                  protocols.moves.TrialCounter: ClassicFragmentM trials= 99; accepts= 1.0000; energy_drop/trial= 0.00000
                  Scores Weight Raw Score Wghtd.Score
                  vdw 1.000 246.987 246.987
                  cenpack 0.500 4.726 2.363
                  pair 1.000 -63.938 -63.938
                  env 1.000 -8.721 -8.721
                  cbeta 0.250 63.244 15.811
                  hs_pair 1.000 0.000 0.000
                  ss_pair 1.000 0.000 0.000
                  sheet 1.000 0.000 0.000
                  Total weighted score: 192.502

                  Stage 4
                  Folding with score3 for 4000
                  protocols.moves.TrialCounter: ClassicFragmentM trials= 4000; accepts= 1.0000; energy_drop/trial= 0.00000
                  protocols.moves.TrialCounter: SmoothFragmentMo trials= 8000; accepts= 1.0000; energy_drop/trial= 0.00000
                  Scores Weight Raw Score Wghtd.Score
                  vdw 1.000 246.987 246.987
                  cenpack 1.000 4.726 4.726
                  pair 1.000 -63.938 -63.938
                  env 1.000 -8.721 -8.721
                  cbeta 1.000 63.244 63.244
                  rg 3.000 16.111 48.333
                  hs_pair 1.000 0.000 0.000
                  ss_pair 1.000 0.000 0.000
                  rsigma 1.000 0.000 0.000
                  sheet 1.000 0.000 0.000
                  Total weighted score: 290.630

                  Finished Abinitio

                  protocols::checkpoint: Deleting checkpoints of ClassicAbinitio
                  core.pack.task: Packer task: initialize from command line()
                  core.pack.dunbrack: Dunbrack 2010 library took 0.32 seconds to load from binary
                  core.pack.interaction_graph.interaction_graph_factory: Instantiating DensePDInteractionGraph
                  core.pack.pack_rotamers: built 2078 rotamers at 100 positions.
                  core.pack.pack_rotamers: IG: 1927864 bytes
                  protocols::checkpoint: Deleting checkpoints of Abrelax
                  =======================END MOVER DomainAssembly - dom_ass=======================

                • #12974

                    Hello rmoretti,

                    Many thanks for you answer!

                    I tried adding the OUTPUT tag, and did indeed get the atom_pair_constraint score term in my output scores.

                    I tried adding  -cst_weight and -cst_fa_weight to the flag file . This did not change the output of ab initio, i.e. no atom_pair_constraint term was in the outputs (see outputs below). Is this normal?

                    I have also tried using a very high weights ‘-cst_weight 100.0’, just to see if this has an effect on the atom_pair_constraint term in my final structure (I use the weight 1.0 with the OUTPUT tag for final scoring) . The value of the atom_pair_constraint term does not change, so it seems that the constraint energy term is not taken into account in ab initio.

                    Do you have an idea on what I can do next?

                    Thanks again for your help!



                    protocols.rosetta_scripts.ParsedProtocol: =======================BEGIN MOVER DomainAssembly - dom_ass=======================
                    core.scoring.ScoreFunctionFactory: SCOREFUNCTION: talaris2013
                    core.chemical.ResidueTypeSet: Finished initializing centroid residue type set. Created 1980 residue types
           Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/SecondaryStructurePotential/phi.theta.36.HS.resmooth
           Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/SecondaryStructurePotential/phi.theta.36.SS.resmooth
           Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/centroid_smooth/cen_rot_pair_params.txt
           Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/centroid_smooth/cen_rot_env_params.txt
           Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/centroid_smooth/cen_rot_pair_ang_params.txt
                    core.scoring: ATOM_VDW set to CENTROID_ROT
                    core.scoring: ATOM_VDW set to CENTROID_ROT
                    Stage 1
                    Folding with score0 for max of 2000
                    protocols.abinitio: Replaced extended chain after 1 cycles.
                    protocols.moves.TrialCounter: ClassicFragmentM trials= 1; accepts= 1.0000; energy_drop/trial= 0.00000
                    Scores Weight Raw Score Wghtd.Score
                    vdw 0.100 246.987 24.699
                    Total weighted score: 24.699

                    Stage 2
                    Folding with score1 for 2000
                    protocols.moves.TrialCounter: ClassicFragmentM trials= 2000; accepts= 1.0000; energy_drop/trial= 0.00000
                    Scores Weight Raw Score Wghtd.Score
                    vdw 1.000 246.987 246.987
                    pair 1.000 -63.938 -63.938
                    env 1.000 -8.721 -8.721
                    hs_pair 1.000 0.000 0.000
                    ss_pair 0.300 0.000 0.000
                    sheet 1.000 0.000 0.000
                    Total weighted score: 174.328

                    Stage 3
                    Folding with score2 and score5 for 2000
                    protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                    protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                    protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                    protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                    protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                    protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                    protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                    protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                    protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                    protocols.abinitio: stop cycles in stage3 due to convergence
                    protocols.moves.TrialCounter: ClassicFragmentM trials= 99; accepts= 1.0000; energy_drop/trial= 0.00000
                    Scores Weight Raw Score Wghtd.Score
                    vdw 1.000 246.987 246.987
                    cenpack 0.500 4.726 2.363
                    pair 1.000 -63.938 -63.938
                    env 1.000 -8.721 -8.721
                    cbeta 0.250 63.244 15.811
                    hs_pair 1.000 0.000 0.000
                    ss_pair 1.000 0.000 0.000
                    sheet 1.000 0.000 0.000
                    Total weighted score: 192.502

                    Stage 4
                    Folding with score3 for 4000
                    protocols.moves.TrialCounter: ClassicFragmentM trials= 4000; accepts= 1.0000; energy_drop/trial= 0.00000
                    protocols.moves.TrialCounter: SmoothFragmentMo trials= 8000; accepts= 1.0000; energy_drop/trial= 0.00000
                    Scores Weight Raw Score Wghtd.Score
                    vdw 1.000 246.987 246.987
                    cenpack 1.000 4.726 4.726
                    pair 1.000 -63.938 -63.938
                    env 1.000 -8.721 -8.721
                    cbeta 1.000 63.244 63.244
                    rg 3.000 16.111 48.333
                    hs_pair 1.000 0.000 0.000
                    ss_pair 1.000 0.000 0.000
                    rsigma 1.000 0.000 0.000
                    sheet 1.000 0.000 0.000
                    Total weighted score: 290.630

                    Finished Abinitio

                    protocols::checkpoint: Deleting checkpoints of ClassicAbinitio
                    core.pack.task: Packer task: initialize from command line()
                    core.pack.dunbrack: Dunbrack 2010 library took 0.32 seconds to load from binary
                    core.pack.interaction_graph.interaction_graph_factory: Instantiating DensePDInteractionGraph
                    core.pack.pack_rotamers: built 2078 rotamers at 100 positions.
                    core.pack.pack_rotamers: IG: 1927864 bytes
                    protocols::checkpoint: Deleting checkpoints of Abrelax
                    =======================END MOVER DomainAssembly - dom_ass=======================

                  • #11954

                      Interesting, it looks like those stages skip the scorefunction loading  code I thought they would use…

                      It looks like the fix is to make a patch file which sets the value of the constraint term to the values you want, e.g. 

                      atom_pair_constraint = 5.0

                      And then pass it to -abinitio::stage1_patch -abinitio::stage2_patch -abinitio::stage3_patch, etc. on the commandline, depending on which stages you want the constraints to apply to.

                    • #12475

                        Interesting, it looks like those stages skip the scorefunction loading  code I thought they would use…

                        It looks like the fix is to make a patch file which sets the value of the constraint term to the values you want, e.g. 

                        atom_pair_constraint = 5.0

                        And then pass it to -abinitio::stage1_patch -abinitio::stage2_patch -abinitio::stage3_patch, etc. on the commandline, depending on which stages you want the constraints to apply to.

                      • #12996

                          Interesting, it looks like those stages skip the scorefunction loading  code I thought they would use…

                          It looks like the fix is to make a patch file which sets the value of the constraint term to the values you want, e.g. 

                          atom_pair_constraint = 5.0

                          And then pass it to -abinitio::stage1_patch -abinitio::stage2_patch -abinitio::stage3_patch, etc. on the commandline, depending on which stages you want the constraints to apply to.

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