download decoy structures as .tar file?

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    • #2076

        I am new to ROSIE (in fact new to Rosetta). I was able to submit some dockin runs and get the results. I want to download the 1000 decoy structures for doing my own post-docking analysis but I cant figure out how to download them as .tar / .zip file.

        On the documentation website it states: “For convenience, the full set of 1000 decoys is provided as compressed archive files. These decoys are not sorted or filtered.”  but I cant figure out how to do this. 

        The site with the output from my docking run contains a table ‘score data’ with the 1000 structures and a link to each .pdb file but I dont want ot download 1000 structures manually!

        there is also a link called “[Full set of decoy structures created on this run (FS view)] ” . If I follow the link and click on the link “trigger00001.ligand_docking_protocol” I get a list of all the 1000 .pdb files. Again I would have to download each .pdb file manually.

        How do I download the output of my run as a .tar file that contains the scroe table and the 1000 decoy structures.

        Thanks for the help

        Kind regards



        Dr. Evelyne Deplazes, PhD 

        NHMRC Early Career Research Fellow 

        Institute for Molecular Bioscience (King group)

        School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences (MD group)

        The University of Queensland

        St. Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia

      • #10656

          I also couldn’t find a link to the tar file. My solution was to use Free Download Manager and then download all the pdb files via “Create Batch Download”.

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