Energy scores of D-amino acids

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    • #2651

        I used PyMOL and Maestro to invert the chirality of single L-amino acids into D-amino acids, as well as all L-residue polypeptide to all D-residue polypeptides. Even though they are mutually mirror images, but D-amino acids and D-polypeptides all have remarkably higher energy scores than their counterparts by using PyRosetta scoring protocol. May I ask what are some possible reasons for this difference? I am wondering whether it is caused by computational error or more delicate design, such as strong and weak nuclear forces, in Rosetta tool.

      • #12327

          What version of Rosetta are you using? There were some bugs with in D-amino acid scoring which should (*knock wood*) be fixed with the most recent weekly release.

        • #12848

            What version of Rosetta are you using? There were some bugs with in D-amino acid scoring which should (*knock wood*) be fixed with the most recent weekly release.

          • #13369

              What version of Rosetta are you using? There were some bugs with in D-amino acid scoring which should (*knock wood*) be fixed with the most recent weekly release.

            • #12328

                Did your protocol also invert the backbone and sidechain torsions of these residues? A D-amino acid with phi, psi of (-60, -40) is quite strained.


                Are the high energies mostly in rama and fa_dun?

              • #12849

                  Did your protocol also invert the backbone and sidechain torsions of these residues? A D-amino acid with phi, psi of (-60, -40) is quite strained.


                  Are the high energies mostly in rama and fa_dun?

                • #13370

                    Did your protocol also invert the backbone and sidechain torsions of these residues? A D-amino acid with phi, psi of (-60, -40) is quite strained.


                    Are the high energies mostly in rama and fa_dun?

                  • #12330

                      To flip the chirality of a peptide properly in Rosetta, you need to do BOTH of the following:

                      1. Mirror all xyz coordinates (which also effectively inverts all torsion values).

                      2. Convert the L residue types into D residue types.  (If you just mirror coordinates, Rosetta thinks that you still have L-amino acids with weird geometry).

                      You can do this manually, but it’s easier to use the FlipChirality mover, which does both steps for you (

                      I can say with great certainty that Rosetta’s scoring, with the talaris2013, talaris2014, or beta_nov15 scorefunctions, is fully symmetric: mirror-image structures yield identical scores, if you mirror the structures properly.

                    • #12851

                        To flip the chirality of a peptide properly in Rosetta, you need to do BOTH of the following:

                        1. Mirror all xyz coordinates (which also effectively inverts all torsion values).

                        2. Convert the L residue types into D residue types.  (If you just mirror coordinates, Rosetta thinks that you still have L-amino acids with weird geometry).

                        You can do this manually, but it’s easier to use the FlipChirality mover, which does both steps for you (

                        I can say with great certainty that Rosetta’s scoring, with the talaris2013, talaris2014, or beta_nov15 scorefunctions, is fully symmetric: mirror-image structures yield identical scores, if you mirror the structures properly.

                      • #13372

                          To flip the chirality of a peptide properly in Rosetta, you need to do BOTH of the following:

                          1. Mirror all xyz coordinates (which also effectively inverts all torsion values).

                          2. Convert the L residue types into D residue types.  (If you just mirror coordinates, Rosetta thinks that you still have L-amino acids with weird geometry).

                          You can do this manually, but it’s easier to use the FlipChirality mover, which does both steps for you (

                          I can say with great certainty that Rosetta’s scoring, with the talaris2013, talaris2014, or beta_nov15 scorefunctions, is fully symmetric: mirror-image structures yield identical scores, if you mirror the structures properly.

                        • #12332

                            The version I used is Pyrosetta 3 on Windows OS

                          • #12853

                              The version I used is Pyrosetta 3 on Windows OS

                            • #13374

                                The version I used is Pyrosetta 3 on Windows OS

                              • #12333

                                  Yes, the protocol inverts both backbone and sidechain to make a mirror image all D-peptide. The high energies are rama, fa_dun, and p_aa_pp

                                • #12854

                                    Yes, the protocol inverts both backbone and sidechain to make a mirror image all D-peptide. The high energies are rama, fa_dun, and p_aa_pp

                                  • #13375

                                      Yes, the protocol inverts both backbone and sidechain to make a mirror image all D-peptide. The high energies are rama, fa_dun, and p_aa_pp

                                    • #12334

                                        Rosetta and PyRosetta is in active development, and bugs are fixed on a regular basis. “PyRosetta3” is a bit too vauge (and the most recent versions are PyRosetta4). What do you get when you do something like:

                                        print pyrosetta.version()

                                        (Or `print(pyrosetta.version())` if you’re using Python3) 

                                        You should get something like 

                                        PyRosetta-4 2017 [Rosetta 2017 59441:64c90c89271ea96b863085358daee1510ee9499f 2017-05-04 20:51:53 -0400]

                                        If the date at the end is earlier than mid 2016 or so, I’d highly recommend you update to the most recent version, so you get all the D-aa bug fixes. Depending on what you’re doing, you may even need to update if the date is before Oct 2016.


                                        Alternatively, there should be a string of digits which are printed out when you call the init() function, and those would work as a version designation as well,  though one that’s a little harder to descipher.



                                      • #12855

                                          Rosetta and PyRosetta is in active development, and bugs are fixed on a regular basis. “PyRosetta3” is a bit too vauge (and the most recent versions are PyRosetta4). What do you get when you do something like:

                                          print pyrosetta.version()

                                          (Or `print(pyrosetta.version())` if you’re using Python3) 

                                          You should get something like 

                                          PyRosetta-4 2017 [Rosetta 2017 59441:64c90c89271ea96b863085358daee1510ee9499f 2017-05-04 20:51:53 -0400]

                                          If the date at the end is earlier than mid 2016 or so, I’d highly recommend you update to the most recent version, so you get all the D-aa bug fixes. Depending on what you’re doing, you may even need to update if the date is before Oct 2016.


                                          Alternatively, there should be a string of digits which are printed out when you call the init() function, and those would work as a version designation as well,  though one that’s a little harder to descipher.



                                        • #13376

                                            Rosetta and PyRosetta is in active development, and bugs are fixed on a regular basis. “PyRosetta3” is a bit too vauge (and the most recent versions are PyRosetta4). What do you get when you do something like:

                                            print pyrosetta.version()

                                            (Or `print(pyrosetta.version())` if you’re using Python3) 

                                            You should get something like 

                                            PyRosetta-4 2017 [Rosetta 2017 59441:64c90c89271ea96b863085358daee1510ee9499f 2017-05-04 20:51:53 -0400]

                                            If the date at the end is earlier than mid 2016 or so, I’d highly recommend you update to the most recent version, so you get all the D-aa bug fixes. Depending on what you’re doing, you may even need to update if the date is before Oct 2016.


                                            Alternatively, there should be a string of digits which are printed out when you call the init() function, and those would work as a version designation as well,  though one that’s a little harder to descipher.



                                          • #12336

                                              Thank you. It is very helpful. I always used the most revent version of pyrosetta3, but it is still 2014. I will used pyrosetta4 from now on.

                                            • #12857

                                                Thank you. It is very helpful. I always used the most revent version of pyrosetta3, but it is still 2014. I will used pyrosetta4 from now on.

                                              • #13378

                                                  Thank you. It is very helpful. I always used the most revent version of pyrosetta3, but it is still 2014. I will used pyrosetta4 from now on.

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