Error in src/protocols/membrane/ line: 1224

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General Error in src/protocols/membrane/ line: 1224

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    • #3344

        Hi, I am trying to prepare a MPDocking run (v 2019.35).

        Both prepacking as well as actual docking crash with the same message:

        ERROR: The SpanningTopology object in MembraneInfo is empty!

        ERROR:: Exit from: src/protocols/membrane/ line: 1224

        However, the attached log file seems to indicate that the molecule was read correctly. Also the TMspans were build and their center calculated (end of logfile).



      • #15144

          To answer my own question, one docking partner was actually soluble (had no TM spans).

          That means the actual question is, whether it is possible to dock a soluble to a TM protein? 

          This question is discussed here:

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