You might need to namespace it. Probably protocols::abinitio::ResolutionSwitcher.
You may also have a library levels problem. To make Rosetta compile with a reasonable amount of memory during the linking step, we split the protocols library into a whole bunch – note all the files “protocols.??.src.settings”. is in protocols 1; ResolutionSwitcher is in protocols 6. The dependency diagram is a directed acyclic graph; here 6 can use 1 but 1 cannot use 6. I don’t think you CAN use ResolutionSwitcher in MonteCarlo without rearranging all the dependencies by moving things around in scons.
If you have a huge amount of memory you can try just moving all the protocols.X.settings files into protocols.1.src.settings and crossing your fingers. This is not adviseable.
What are you actually trying to do with the edits? There may be an easier method.