I want to cluster the output from a docking study.
However, when running the clustering it complains about my ligand and I get this error message:
|ERROR: unrecognized aa lig |
|ERROR:: Exit from: src/core/io/pdb/file_data.cc line: 534 |
This is the option file that I’ve used:
-database /../rosetta_database
-in:file:l list.pdb
-extra_res_fa lig.params
-out:file:silent cluster.out
-cluster:radius -1
clustering.py –database=/rosetta-3.2.1/rosetta_database –rosetta=/rosetta-3.2.1/rosetta_source/bin/cluster.linuxgccrelease –pdb_list list.pdb –options=options.cluster summary.txt histogram.txt
How do I get clustering to recognize my ligand?