Member Site Forums ROSIE ROSIE – General FARFAR2 error

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    • #3343

        Hi ROSIE and FARFAR2 team,

               I used FARFAR2 to test the 3D structure prediction of several RNAs two weeks ago with native PDB uploaded. But all the jobs were finally dead with the error message “2-rescore_to_native_or_lowest”. Could you tell me why this happened? You can find the sequence, 2D structure, and native PDB in the attachment.

              Another problem is that recently I cannot submit jobs using FARFAR2. It stopped in the process “Submitting FARFAR2 job…” and did not proceed any more. I tested Chrome and Firefox web browser, but neither of them worked.



      • #15142

          There may be a bug you’ve caught with handling of a supplied native PDB. I will debug this and push a fix over the next couple days. (We made a number of upgrades in recent days that may have introduced new issues.)

          Thanks for using the server!

        • #15246


            I cannot submit any jobs to FarFar2 using the option:

            “Use [almost] any options available to command line FARFAR2, including local template structures, “general” secondary structure (allowing noncanonical pairs), chemical mapping data, and more.”


            Thank you!!



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