Features Reporters missing documentation in rosetta_scripts -info

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Build/Install Features Reporters missing documentation in rosetta_scripts -info

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    • #2615

        Running the command 

        rosetta_scripts.macosclangrelease -info InterfaceFeature

        with randomly selected Features Reporters always returns an error. The info flag behaves correctly for other Rosetta Scripts tags for example passing MutateResidue. 

        Rosetta 3.8 on Mac OSX.

        core.init: Rosetta version unknown:exported  from http://www.rosettacommons.org

        core.init: command: rosetta_scripts.macosclangrelease -info InterfaceFeature

        core.init: ‘RNG device’ seed mode, using ‘/dev/urandom’, seed=-625267939 seed_offset=0 real_seed=-625267939

        core.init.random: RandomGenerator:init: Normal mode, seed=-625267939 RG_type=mt19937

        core.init: found database environment variable ROSETTA3_DB: /Users/dweis/apps/rosetta/3.8//main/database


        The rosetta_scripts application was used with the -parser:info flag.

        Writing options for the indicated movers/filters/task operations/residue selectors:

        “InterfaceFeature” not found!

        Warning: the following are not movers, filters, task operations, or residue selectors; no information could be found for these:



        The rosetta_scripts application will now exit.

      • #12222

          Only a subset of the RosettaScripts objects can be printed with the -parser:info option. That is: Movers, Filters, TaskOperations, and ResidueSelectors.  Other objects (like FeaturesReporters) have not yet been hooked into the system. This is a known limiation.

          Thanks for reminding us about the lack.

        • #12743

            Only a subset of the RosettaScripts objects can be printed with the -parser:info option. That is: Movers, Filters, TaskOperations, and ResidueSelectors.  Other objects (like FeaturesReporters) have not yet been hooked into the system. This is a known limiation.

            Thanks for reminding us about the lack.

          • #13264

              Only a subset of the RosettaScripts objects can be printed with the -parser:info option. That is: Movers, Filters, TaskOperations, and ResidueSelectors.  Other objects (like FeaturesReporters) have not yet been hooked into the system. This is a known limiation.

              Thanks for reminding us about the lack.

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