When I tries to use FlexPepDocking it bails out ERROR: total_residue() != 0. Though I have been able to use the same pdb file with the web server. It appears that FlexPepDocking generate a pose that do not contain any residues and that the assert statement in Pose.cc bails out due to this reason. Is there anything wrong with my pdb file, I have also tried to include a co-factor which is parameterized. This error appear but with and witouth any co-factor.
FlexPepDockingPoseMetrics: (1) Isc: -8.11514
FlexPepDockingPoseMetrics: (1) Total BSA is: 659.381
FlexPepDockingPoseMetrics: (1) Interface HB #: 1
FlexPepDockingPoseMetrics: (1) Interface Unsat polar groups: 3
FlexPepDockingPoseMetrics: (1) 155 bsa: 43.0976 HB: 0 unsat: 0
FlexPepDockingPoseMetrics: (1) 156 bsa: 39.4691 HB: 0 unsat: 0
FlexPepDockingPoseMetrics: (1) 157 bsa: 37.8193 HB: 0 unsat: 1
FlexPepDockingPoseMetrics: (1) 158 bsa: 99.3032 HB: 0 unsat: 0
FlexPepDockingPoseMetrics: (1) 159 bsa: 88.2471 HB: 1 unsat: 1
ERROR: total_residue() != 0
ERROR:: Exit from: src/core/pose/Pose.cc line: 1369
MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 1 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
with errorcode 911.
NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
exactly when Open MPI kills them.
Knut J