Fusing C-terminal or N-terminal segments onto proteins using Remodel

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Applications Fusing C-terminal or N-terminal segments onto proteins using Remodel

  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #2357

        Hi, I am trying to replace the C-terminal segment of a designed protein with that taken from a crystral structure using the Remodel module with the DomainFusion flag turned on. I have tried several different tweaks to the arrangment however the gist of it is that I use the following command. 

        remodel.linuxgccrelease -s model3.pdb -remodel:RemodelLoopMover:bypass_closure -remodel:domainFusion:insert_segment_from_pdb model4.pdb -remodel:blueprint model3.blueprint -use_input_sc -num_trajectory 3 -save_top 1 -database <database-path> -overwrite -out:file:scorefile model3.sc


        The blueprint file has the following form:

        <all the preceding residues listed>

        283 R .

        284 T .

        285 E .

        286 E L PIKAA E

        287 E L PIKAA E

        288 N L PIKAA N

        289 L L PIKAA L

        0 x I NATRO

        0 x I NATRO

        0 x I NATRO

        0 x I NATRO

        0 x I NATRO

        0 x I NATRO

        <all the residues in model4.pdb treated as an insertion with EOF after last residue of insertion>


        When it runs it runs until it quits with the following errors:


        protocols.forge.remodel.RemodelWorkingSet: segment contains insertion, skip normal SegmentRebuild instructions, use SegmentInsert instructions instead

        protocols.forge.remodel.RemodelWorkingSet: beforeInsert: LLLL

        protocols.forge.remodel.RemodelWorkingSet: afterInsert:

        protocols.forge.remodel.RemodelWorkingSet: insert_SS_string: LLLL^

        core.conformation.Residue: [ WARNING ] missing an atom: 1  H   that depends on a nonexistent polymer connection!

        core.conformation.Residue:  –> generating it using idealized coordinates.

        ERROR: seqpos >= 1

        ERROR:: Exit from: src/core/conformation/Conformation.hh line: 379



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