Fusing C-terminal or N-terminal segments onto proteins using Remodel

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General Fusing C-terminal or N-terminal segments onto proteins using Remodel

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    • #2360

        Hi I am trying to fuse a structure onto a designed protein structure at the C-terminus using the following command:

        remodel.linuxgccrelease -s model3.pdb -remodel:RemodelLoopMover:bypass_closure -remodel:domainFusion:insert_segment_from_pdb model4.pdb -remodel:blueprint model3.blueprint -use_input_sc -num_trajectory 3 -save_top 1 -database <PATH> -overwrite -out:file:scorefile model3.sc

        model3.pdb covers the range: 1-393

        model4 covers the range: 290 – 393

        Where the blueprint has the following general format:

        <All preceding residues unchanged>

        280 R .

        281 D .

        282 R .

        283 R .

        284 T .

        285 E .

        286 E L PIKAA E

        287 E L PIKAA E

        288 N L PIKAA N

        289 L L PIKAA L

        0 x I NATRO

        0 x I NATRO

        0 x I NATRO

        0 x I NATRO

        <The remaining residues treated as insertion and followed by EOF>

        However when it is run the following error occurs:

        protocols.forge.remodel.RemodelWorkingSet: segment contains insertion, skip normal SegmentRebuild instructions, use SegmentInsert instructions instead

        protocols.forge.remodel.RemodelWorkingSet: beforeInsert: LLLL

        protocols.forge.remodel.RemodelWorkingSet: afterInsert:

        protocols.forge.remodel.RemodelWorkingSet: insert_SS_string: LLLL^

        core.conformation.Residue: [ WARNING ] missing an atom: 1  H   that depends on a nonexistent polymer connection!

        core.conformation.Residue:  –> generating it using idealized coordinates.

        ERROR: seqpos >= 1

        ERROR:: Exit from: src/core/conformation/Conformation.hh line: 379

        /mnt/Programs/Rosetta/rosetta_bin_linux_2015.12.57698_bundle/main/source/build/src/release/linux/2.6/64/x86/gcc/4.4/default/libutility.so(print_backtrace()+0x23) [0x7f3b935fc093]


        I have looked for this error and it seems to pop us in the protein design segment, but I am not quite sure where or how to correct it. Any thoughts would be welcome.

      • #11399

          Hi I have figured part of the work-around for the above problems. Now it crashes in the process of manual design. If the inserted region is on the n-terminus of the full model it passes through the first stages of the loop modeling before crashing. 


          remodel.linuxgccrelease -s model3.pdb  -remodel:domainFusion:insert_segment_from_pdb model4-nterm.pdb -remodel:blueprint model3-nterm.blueprint -use_input_sc -save_top 1 -overwrite -out:file:scorefile model3-nterm.sc

          model3.pdb covers the range: 1-393

          model4-nterm covers the range: 1-293

          Where the blueprint has the following general format:


          <All preceding residues inserted>

          0 x I NATRO

          0 x I NATRO

          0 x I NATRO

          0 x I NATRO

          294 E L PIKAA E

          295 P L PIKAA P

          296 H L PIKAA H

          297 H L PIKAA H

          < All succeeding residues unchanged and followed by EOF>


          Incomplete: Ends after initial moving and scoring


          protocols.forge.remodel.RemodelLoopMover: ** randomize_stage

          protocols.forge.remodel.RemodelLoopMover: * closure_attempt 1

          protocols.forge.remodel.RemodelLoopMover: ** simultaneous_stage

          protocols.forge.remodel.RemodelLoopMover:    n_loops = 1


           Scores                       Weight   Raw Score Wghtd.Score

           vdw                          1.000       5.369       5.369

           hbond_sr_bb                  1.000    -136.160    -136.160

           hbond_lr_bb                  1.000      -3.063      -3.063

           rama                         0.100     -24.283      -2.428

           rg                           1.000      39.446      39.446

           Total weighted score:                      -96.836


          protocols.moves.MonteCarlo: MC: 2  -66.7454  -96.8365  -66.7454  -96.8365  0  0  0  rejected

          protocols.moves.TrialCounter:       simul_frag trials=  23760;  accepts= 0.1666;  energy_drop/trial=  -0.07959

          protocols.forge.remodel.RemodelLoopMover: ** independent_stage

          protocols.forge.remodel.RemodelLoopMover:    n_loops = 1


           Scores                       Weight   Raw Score Wghtd.Score

           vdw                          1.000       4.618       4.618

           hbond_sr_bb                  1.000    -145.384    -145.384

           hbond_lr_bb                  1.000      -2.082      -2.082

           rama                         0.100     -41.183      -4.118

           rg                           1.000      41.436      41.436

           Total weighted score:                     -105.531


          protocols.moves.MonteCarlo: MC: 2  -86.9267  -105.531  -86.9267  -105.531  0  0  0  rejected

          protocols.moves.TrialCounter:             frag trials=  95040;  accepts= 0.1638;  energy_drop/trial=   0.00010

          protocols.forge.remodel.RemodelLoopMover: ** boost_closure_stage

          protocols.forge.remodel.RemodelLoopMover:    n_loops = 0

          protocols.forge.remodel.RemodelLoopMover:    no loops to work on with boost_closure. returning.

          protocols.forge.remodel.RemodelLoopMover: * 1 / 1   closed / attempts

          core.scoring.ScoreFunctionFactory: SCOREFUNCTION: talaris2013

          core.pack.task: Packer task: initialize from command line()

          core.pack.interaction_graph.interaction_graph_factory: Instantiating DensePDInteractionGraph

          core.pack.pack_rotamers: built 0 rotamers at 0 positions.

          core.pack.pack_rotamers: IG: 472 bytes

          core.scoring.ScoreFunctionFactory: SCOREFUNCTION: talaris2013

          core.pack.task: Packer task: initialize from command line()

          core.pack.interaction_graph.interaction_graph_factory: Instantiating DensePDInteractionGraph

          core.pack.pack_rotamers: built 0 rotamers at 0 positions.

          core.pack.pack_rotamers: IG: 472 bytes

          protocols.forge.remodel.RemodelMover: centroid_build(): variable length build succeeded.

          protocols.forge.remodel.RemodelMover: apply(): calling RemodelDesignMover apply function.

          protocols.forge.remodel.RemodelDesignMover: Design Mover state: stage

          protocols.forge.remodel.RemodelDesignMover: MODE 4: Manual DESIGN REMODEL

          core.pack.task: Packer task: initialize from command line()

          core.pack.task.ResfileReader: On line 3, the pose does not have residue with chain= , PDBnum=1.

          ERROR:: Exit from: src/core/pack/task/ResfileReader.cc line: 1520


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