Getting started with Rosetta

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General Getting started with Rosetta

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    • #519

        I just downloaded Rosetta 3.0, and compiled it successfully. However, I found out that it’s extremely hard to use/learn for fresh user.

        Are there a step by step tutorial, or something similar which can help newbies jump-start on Rosetta?

        My main purpose is to use this package and experimental constraints to predict protein structures.

        I appreciate any input. Thanks!

      • #4065

          You’ve looked at the manual?

          I’d guess there’s a copy of it in the rosetta 3 tarball you downloaded too; the web form is probably easier to read though. Are you trying to learn to use existing protocols, or to write your own protocols? There are application-specific instructions in the manual, and two or three files on doing your own protocols.

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