How to do ab initio with fixed part of protein

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General How to do ab initio with fixed part of protein

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    • #1560

        There is a amino sequence 1 to 156.

        Some part of the residues which were definded by homology are between 100 and 156.

        That means “I’ve already have a secondary structure for 100 to 156.”

        Finally, I want to fix between 100 and 156 residues during ab initio.

        Please tell me what could I do for this work. Exactly what command do I use?

        I used rosetta3.4

      • #8640

          You want to look at rosetta_demos/homology_modeling_with_end_extension demo. Note that the demo is written for Rosetta 3.3 rather than 3.4.

        • #9759

            This is it! I’ve skipped the first part because I had already a model. I forgot, however to build the full model. If I remember it wasn’t necessary for Rosetta-3.3.

          • #9760

              This is it! I’ve skipped the first part because I had already a model. I forgot, however to build the full model. If I remember it wasn’t necessary for Rosetta-3.3. Thanks for helping.

            • #8642

                I have a sturcture which are 101 to 156 residues. On the other hand, 1 to 100 residues are fasta file.
                If 1 to 100 residues do ab initio, I want to just fix 101 ~ resiudes. Then, I can get a 1 to 156 structure file.
                I didn’t mean homology modeling. Please tell me, what should I do?

              • #9757

                  Will the extension script (hm_with_extension) work with Rosetta52wk-mpi?
                  I was trying to extend 23 N-terminal residues and got the following error. Any help is appreciated.

                  protocols.relax.FastRelax: (3) ================== Using default script ==================
                  protocols.evaluation.ChiWellRmsdEvaluatorCreator: (3) Evaluation Creator active …
                  protocols.jd2.MPIFileBufJobDistributor: (1) TIME_STAMP: Tue Feb 4 17:49:40 2014 assign job 1 batch: 00000
                  protocols.general_abinitio: (3) AbrelaxMover: S_0001
                  protocols.general_abinitio: (3) TIME_STAMP: Tue Feb 4 17:49:40 2014 AbrelaxMover: start…NO_BATCH S_0001
                  loops: (3) Extended: (-0,+2) LOOP 1 25 0 0 0
                  loops: (3) Extended: (-2,+0) LOOP 309 510 0 0 0
                  protocols.topo_broker: (3) Enlarged loops:
                  protocols.topo_broker: (3) LOOP begin end cut skip_rate extended
                  protocols.topo_broker: (3) LOOP 1 25 0 0 0
                  protocols.topo_broker: (3) LOOP 309 510 0 0 0
                  protocols.topo_broker: (3)
                  protocols.topo_broker: (9) Edge Jump Jump #

                  protocols.topo_broker: (4) Edge Jump Jump #

                  protocols.topo_broker: (8) Edge Jump Jump #

                  protocols.topo_broker: (5) Edge Jump Jump #

                  protocols.topo_broker: (7) Edge Jump Jump #

                  protocols.topo_broker: (2) Edge Jump Jump #

                  ERROR: lastChunk <= centroid_input_pose_.total_residue()
                  ERROR:: Exit from: src/protocols/topology_broker/ line: 508

                  ERROR: lastChunk <= centroid_input_pose_.total_residue()
                  ERROR:: Exit from: src/protocols/topology_broker/ line: 508


                  lastChunk <= centroid_input_pose_.total_residue()
                  ERROR:: Exit from: src/protocols/topology_broker/ line: 508
                  ERROR: lastChunk <= centroid_input_pose_.total_residue()
                  ERROR:: Exit from: src/protocols/topology_broker/ line: 508
                  ERROR: lastChunk <= centroid_input_pose_.total_residue()
                  ERROR:: Exit from: src/protocols/topology_broker/ line: 508
                  protocols.jd2.JobDistributor: (8)

                  [ERROR] Exception caught by JobDistributor for job S_0006

                  [ERROR] EXCN_utility_exit has been thrown from: src/protocols/topology_broker/ line: 508
                  ERROR: lastChunk <= centroid_input_pose_.total_residue()

                • #8645

                    The demo says:

                    We will break down homology_modeling_with_end_extension into 2 parts:
                    Part I describes a protocol for homology modeling of the protein (the region of the protein that has a homolog in the pdb).
                    Part II describes a protocol for ab initio modeling of the n-terminal region while keeping the previously modeled homologous region in Part 1 rigid.”

                    It seems to me that Part II is exactly what you want.

                  • #8665

                      Thank you, it was really helpful.

                      But, I can’t make file type of region. I tried to make by vi editor, but it doesn’t work.

                      >>error<< [ERROR] Error opening RBSeg file ‘2B.region’ >>end<< RIGID 101 155 0 0 0 << this is 2B.region file CLAIMER RigidChunkClaimer
                      REGION_FILE 2B.region
                      PDB_FILE 2b_full.pdb_full_length.pdb
                      END_CLAIMER << this is 2b.tpb How to make region file? What should I do?

                    • #8667

                        “Error opening RBSeg file” suggests that the file is missing, not misformatted. Check that your path to the 2B.region file in your options file is correct, that the filename is correct, and that Rosetta has permission to access the file.

                      • #8675

                          There isn’t any difference about name.

                          Command $ minirosetta.linuxgccrelease @./rosetta_inputs/broker.args -in:file:fasta ./starting_files/2b.fasta -broker:setup ./rosetta_inputs/2b.tpb -database /home/eunwook/rosetta3.4/rosetta_database -frag3 ./rosetta_inputs/aa2bA_03_05.200_v1_3 -frag9 ./rosetta_inputs/aa2bA_09_05.200_v1_3 -nstruct 1
                          core.init: (0) Mini-Rosetta version unknown from unknown
                          core.init: (0) command: minirosetta.linuxgccrelease @./rosetta_inputs/broker.args -in:file:fasta ./starting_files/2b.fasta -broker:setup ./rosetta_inputs/2b.tpb -database /home/eunwook/rosetta3.4/rosetta_database -frag3 ./rosetta_inputs/aa2bA_03_05.200_v1_3 -frag9 ./rosetta_inputs/aa2bA_09_05.200_v1_3 -nstruct 1
                          core.init: (0) ‘RNG device’ seed mode, using ‘/dev/urandom’, seed=-1447698209 seed_offset=0 real_seed=-1447698209
                          core.init.random: (0) RandomGenerator:init: Normal mode, seed=-1447698209 RG_type=mt19937

                          ERROR: [ERROR] Error opening RBSeg file ‘2B.region’
                          ERROR:: Exit from: src/protocols/topology_broker/ line: 141

                          MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
                          with errorcode 911.

                          NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
                          You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
                          exactly when Open MPI kills them.

                          Command $

                          What is format of region file?

                        • #8676

                            The error “Error opening RBSeg file” occurs in many places in Rosetta, unfortunately. However, in all of them, it is code similar to this:

                            162- std::ifstream infile( filename.c_str() );
                            164- if (!infile.good()) {
                            165: utility_exit_with_message( “[ERROR] Error opening RBSeg file ‘” + filename + “‘” );
                            166- }

                            This means that the error occurs when the file is OPENED, not when the file is READ. In other words, it cannot be a formatting error, it is an error in opening the file. That usually means the file isn’t present, the file name is wrong, or the file path is unavailable to Rosetta.

                            I see 2B.region in your tpb file – is that what the file is named in the same directory? Maybe it needs to be ./2B.region or similar? As far as I can tell the formatting is correct. Try deleting the line and rewriting it, maybe there’s a nonprinting character causing a problem?

                          • #8678

                              My guess is that you’ve put the location of the 2B.region file to be the relative location to the tpb file, but Rosetta is interpreting it as relative to the running directory. That is, if the 2b.tpb and 2B.region files are in the /home/eunwook/runningdirectory/rosetta_inputs/ directory, and the 2b.tpb file simply lists it as “2B.region”, when you run Rosetta in the directory /home/eunwook/runningdirectory/, Rosetta will be expecting it at /home/eunwook/runningdirectory/2B.region.

                              Try using the absolute path to 2B.region in the tpb file, rather than a relative path.

                            • #8687

                                Thank you for your help.

                                Problem was directory path.
                                CLAIMER RigidChunkClaimer
                                REGION_FILE /home/eunwook/Desktop/IIb/Modeling/All/test_modeling/1p2b_1/rosetta_inputs/2B.region
                                PDB_FILE /home/eunwook/Desktop/IIb/Modeling/All/test_modeling/1p2b_1/rosetta_inputs/2b_full.pdb_full_length.pdb
                                absolute path is solution for this problem.

                              • #9758

                                  I’m not entirely sure which script you’re referring to – where did you find it?

                                  At any rate, I’m guessing that the step equivalent to “Generate a full length model if the n-terminal region was omitted” from the Rosetta/demos/public/homology_modeling_with_end_extension/ protocol was skipped.

                                  If that’s the case you’ll have an input protein that’s 23 amino acids shorter than it’s supposed to be. That means that your amino acid designations for the rigid chunk won’t match up with the input protein, and you’ll get errors similar to what you’re seeing.

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