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Hello Everyone,
I am trying to mutate multiple residues of a peptide with NCAA to determine their structure and ΔΔG of mutation on Rosetta.
I would be grateful if anyone could share any research article, material or guidance to proceed on this matter.
P.S. – I am a beginner at Rosetta without any bacl ground in coding or bioinformatics. Any help and advice is appreciated.
The simplest thing would be to use the MutateResidue mover in RosettaScripts (
For DDG values, I think the ddg_monomer application ( will work if you do the following. Note that I haven’t tested this, though:
1. Add a packer palette that includes your noncanonical using the -packer_palette:extra_base_type_file commandline option. (See
2. Provide a resfile that specifies the noncanonical using the “X” notation. (See For example, to introduce a mutation to D-ornithine at position 37, it would be: