Hydrogen Bonding Distances and Atom identification

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    • #3798

        We are using PyRosetta 2.83 to identify hydrogen bonds between atoms.  For example, take the following code:

        pose = pose_from_pdb("/Users/kmolloy/Downloads/2ezk.pdb")
        hbond_set = pose.get_hbonds()
        hbond_set.show(pose, 5)

        This results of running this code are shown below:

        #Dch Dn Dres Da Ach An Ares Aa length AHDang BAHang BAtor weight energy
        #A 82 LEU N A 80 PRO O 2.41 117.2 108.5 -140.3 1.000 -0.025
        #Dch Dn Dres Da Ach An Ares Aa length AHDang BAHang BAtor weight energy
        #A 82 LEU N A 80 PRO O 2.41 117.2 108.5 -140.3 1.000 -0.025


        However, the distance between the N (from res #82) atom and the O atom (from res #80) is NOT 2.41.  However, the distance between the H atom in res #82 and the O atom in res #80 is 2.41.  Iterating through the hond_set shows that this pattern continues.  

        Interestied if I am interpretting this correctly, since the distances and atoms seem to be mismatched.

      • #15956

          The methods that calculate the distance is more clear:



          A peculiarity is that the donor atom index does not seem to have a getter method as most calculations are off the base_atom of the acceptor. For the first point:

          hbond_set = pose.get_hbonds()
          hbond = hbond_set.hbonds()[1]


          don_hatm is the hydrogen atom (not heavy atom) and one has to get it manually

          don = pose.residue(hbond.don_res())
          donor_atom_index = don.bonded_neighbor(hbond.don_hatm())[1]

          The getter methods that require a pose ( ‘get_AHDangle’, ‘get_BAHangle’, ‘get_BAtorsion’, ‘get_HAdist’) have A for acceptor, H for hydrogen and B.

          I had a gander in `HBondSet.cc` and found out it is for Base atom of the acceptor atom not Bonded atom of the donor’s hydrogen (i.e. the donor atom). Hence why get_AHDangle and a get_BAHangle are different and give different values.

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