industrial example of ROSETTA modeled protein

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General industrial example of ROSETTA modeled protein

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    • #2412

        This is a general question,

        Is there any example of proteins modeled by ROSETTA  which is currently being used in industry, whether it is enzymes or therapeutics or any other biomolecules? 


      • #11522

          Industry plays its cards close to the vest so we don’t know what they’ve actually used Rosetta for.  It’s also true that they’d use Rosetta as a part of a long pipeline, with many other tools used along the way.

          The Kuhlman lab developed a bispecific antibody technology in collaboration with Eli Lilly.  (  I assume Lilly is finding it useful, and there is a spinoff company which is commercializing it as well.

          Arzeda ( offers enzyme design, they certainly started using Rosetta, and I assume they are using it now; probably many of their products have had Rosetta’s hand in it.

          Why do you need to know?  


        • #11524

            I was giving a talk with explanation of computational protein modeling in some slides and was asked the question. I included application examples from publications but didnt know of an actual example where molecules modeled with ROSETTA have been used to produce or is an ingredient of products used everyday.  I tried to search the web but as you mentioned its probably confidential info so I couldnt find anything interesting. if you know of anyother examples, whether ROSETTA or other computational modeling softwares, any comments will be appreciated. thanks for your reply.

          • #11525

              Here’s another on the antibody thread that Andrew passed along:



              Here’s two more from Florian:

              There is also this paper


              though I don’t know if the obtained enzyme is really used in an industrial process.


              the enzyme here


              has been patented, but I don’t know if anyone has licensed the patent and/or is marketing the enzyme

            • #11526

                Also, cryptically, “and I guess kumamax is also a very good example” – I know nothing more there than google.

              • #11528

                  thanks steven. :)

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