installation of rosetta 3.2 on windows 7 home edition using cygwin 6.1 (intel i5 )

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Build/Install installation of rosetta 3.2 on windows 7 home edition using cygwin 6.1 (intel i5 )

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    • #768

        Hi I tried installing rosetta 3.2 on windows using cygwin and I have installed zlib while installing cygwin but I am getting the following error :-

        End of stack trace
        12353592 [main] python 5504 fork: child 3364 – died waiting for dll loading, err
        no 11
        scons: *** [build/src/release/cygwin/1.7/32/x86/gcc/utility.dll] Resource tempor
        arily unavailable
        scons: building terminated because of errors.

        What could have gone wrong ??

        I again tried using the same command and I got the following error :

        collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
        scons: *** [build/src/release/cygwin/1.7/32/x86/gcc/utility.dll] Error 1
        scons: building terminated because of errors.

        after checking the forum in google for this error i found that it’s due to zlib .. but i have already installed that .. so what’d the reason for this error

      • #4948

          None of the developers have ever tried to do this (none of us develop on windows, and none of us use cygwin). Can one of our cygwin users help?

        • #5044

            Hi Barhart,

            Have you gotten Rosetta to build with Cygwin, especially with respect to the zlib library? If so, would you mind sharing what you had to do to make it work?


          • #5048

              I’m actually having a heck of an adventure with this myself. The zlib problem is caused because there is a spurious z.lib sitting in rosetta_source/external/lib/z.lib. If you rename or remove it and make sure that you have zlib installed through cygwin then you should have no problem.

              My current problem is that I’m trying to compile static. I got a set of static binaries built, but they all segfault with a STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION exception. I did some digging and found that this is a fairly common problem with cygwin, and that some people had good luck updating their toolchain. I installed g++ 4.5 (I had previously been using 3.4) and tried again. Now I get errors about ‘time’ not being declared in this scope. I’m trying to figure out why it can’t find my sys/time.h. I’ll post a followup if/when I ever get this working.


            • #5049

                alright, the error about time.h was resolved by adding a #include to src/protocols/loops/

                It is not clear to me why I did not encounter this problem when building with 3.4.

              • #5050

                  Additionally, I had to comment out lines 357, 359, 360, 361 from src/core/conformation/symmetry/

                • #5068


                    I tried installing rosetta 3.2 again after installing cygwin again with zlib package but I am getting the following errors :-

                    scons: Reading SConscript files …
                    1 [main] python 9648 D:cygwinbinpython.exe: *** fatal error – unable to
                    remap \?D:cygwinlibpython2.6lib-dynloadselect.dll to same address as par
                    ent: 0x2E0000 != 0x3E0000
                    Stack trace:
                    Frame Function Args
                    00227A38 6102749B (00227A38, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000)
                    00227D28 6102749B (61177B80, 00008000, 00000000, 61179977)
                    00228D58 61004AFB (611A136C, 612400FC, 002E0000, 003E0000)
                    End of stack trace
                    1 [main] python 9488 fork: child 9648 – died waiting for dll loading, errn
                    o 11
                    764507 [main] python 7380 D:cygwinbinpython.exe: *** fatal error – unable to
                    remap \?D:cygwinlibpython2.6lib-dynload_random.dll to same address as pa
                    rent: 0x330000 != 0x3F0000
                    Stack trace:
                    Frame Function Args
                    00226F48 6102749B (00226F48, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000)
                    00227238 6102749B (61177B80, 00008000, 00000000, 61179977)
                    00228268 61004AFB (611A136C, 61240944, 00330000, 003F0000)
                    End of stack trace
                    772309 [main] python 9488 fork: child 7380 – died waiting for dll loading, errn
                    o 11
                    782759 [main] python 3852 D:cygwinbinpython.exe: *** fatal error – unable to
                    remap \?D:cygwinlibpython2.6lib-dynloadtime.dll to same address as paren
                    t: 0x2D0000 != 0x3E0000
                    Stack trace:
                    Frame Function Args
                    00226F48 6102749B (00226F48, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000)
                    00227238 6102749B (61177B80, 00008000, 00000000, 61179977)
                    00228268 61004AFB (611A136C, 6123F304, 002D0000, 003E0000)
                    End of stack trace
                    789503 [main] python 9488 fork: child 3852 – died waiting for dll loading, errn
                    o 11
                    svn: ‘.’ is not a working copy

                    scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
                    eyword instead.
                    File “/usr/local/rosetta_source/SConscript”, line 40, in

                    scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
                    eyword instead.
                    File “/usr/local/rosetta_source/SConscript”, line 40, in

                    scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
                    eyword instead.
                    File “/usr/local/rosetta_source/SConscript”, line 40, in

                    scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
                    eyword instead.
                    File “/usr/local/rosetta_source/SConscript”, line 40, in

                    scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
                    eyword instead.
                    File “/usr/local/rosetta_source/SConscript”, line 40, in

                    scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
                    eyword instead.
                    File “/usr/local/rosetta_source/SConscript”, line 40, in

                    scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
                    eyword instead.
                    File “/usr/local/rosetta_source/SConscript”, line 40, in

                    scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
                    eyword instead.
                    File “/usr/local/rosetta_source/SConscript”, line 40, in
                    scons: done reading SConscript files.
                    scons: Building targets …
                    g++ -o build/src/debug/cygwin/1.7/32/x86/gcc/apps/public/AbinitioRelax.o -c -pip
                    e -ffor-scope -W -Wall -pedantic -Wno-long-long -malign-double -march=pentium4 –
                    O0 -g -ggdb -ffloat-store -Isrc -Iexternal/include -Isrc/platform/cygwin/32/gcc
                    -Isrc/platform/cygwin/32 -Isrc/platform/cygwin -Iexternal/boost_1_38_0 -I/usr/lo
                    cal/include -I/usr/include src/apps/public/
                    2999233 [main] python 8364 D:cygwinbinpython.exe: *** fatal error – unable to
                    remap \?D:cygwinlibpython2.6lib-dynloadtime.dll to same address as paren
                    t: 0x2D0000 != 0x3C0000
                    Stack trace:
                    Frame Function Args
                    00227D08 6102749B (00227D08, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000)
                    00227FF8 6102749B (61177B80, 00008000, 00000000, 61179977)
                    00229028 61004AFB (611A136C, 6123F304, 002D0000, 003C0000)
                    End of stack trace
                    3009549 [main] python 9488 fork: child 8364 – died waiting for dll loading, errn
                    o 11
                    scons: *** [build/src/debug/cygwin/1.7/32/x86/gcc/apps/public/AbinitioRelax.o] R
                    esource temporarily unavailable
                    scons: building terminated because of errors.

                  • #5067

                      No, I am still struggling to install it… If anybody gets the solution tot his .. pls put it in the forum

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