I’m trying to get PyRosetta installed on my windows 10 laptop. I’ve followed all of the instructions listed here: http://www.pyrosetta.org/documentation/windows
I downloaded both rosetta for python 3.6 and 3.7 and placed and installed the files in separate environments that I created for this purpose using the same versions of python. I did all of this in Bash as outlined in the instructions. When I open python in bash and then attempt to import rosetta it works, however, when I launch jupyter notebooks (within the same environment), the module pyrosetta is not found.
In this thread https://www.rosettacommons.org/node/9617 I found that I need to source SetPyRosettaEnvironment.sh in my rosetta folder, however, this returns the following error: no such file or directory.
When I examine the files in the directory I can also not find any such files. Any ideas?
Thank you!