KeyError: ‘subject-id’ in antibody modelling

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    • #2601

        Dear all,

        I have recently started learning Rosetta. Now I am working on antibody modelling. I have prepared my inputs, have blast and Pro-Fit working.  When I am running the with the default preprocessing options

        /home/bogac/softwares/rosetta/rosetta_bin_linux_2016.32.58837_bundle/tools/antibody/ --light-chain light_chain.fasta --heavy-chain heavy_chain.fasta
        --rosetta-database=/home/bogac/softwares/rosetta/rosetta_bin_linux_2016.32.58837_bundle/main/database --rosetta-platform=static.linuxgccrelease

        I am having the following error, when pblast starts to run;

        Running /home/bogac/softwares/blast/ncbi-blast-2.6.0+-src/c++/ReleaseMT/bin/blastp
        I: Queryname=FRL
        I: Found 600 blast results (limit 600)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/home/bogac/softwares/rosetta/rosetta_bin_linux_2016.32.58837_bundle/tools/antibody/", line 1640, in <module>
        if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)
        File "/home/bogac/softwares/rosetta/rosetta_bin_linux_2016.32.58837_bundle/tools/antibody/", line 400, in main
        alignment, legend = run_blast(CDRs, prefix=prefix_details, blast=Options.blast, blast_database=Options.blast_database, verbose=Options.verbose)
        File "/home/bogac/softwares/rosetta/rosetta_bin_linux_2016.32.58837_bundle/tools/antibody/", line 990, in run_blast
        f(k, table, cdr_query, cdr_info)
        File "/home/bogac/softwares/rosetta/rosetta_bin_linux_2016.32.58837_bundle/tools/antibody/", line 1465, in filter_by_template_resolution
        pdb = r
        KeyError: 'subject-id'


        Can anybody please guide me how solve this problem ?

        Thank you very much for your help. Kind regards



      • #12188


          Your error is due to BLAST changing the output header from “subject-id” to “subject-acc.ver”, so a simple fix is to alter line 1465 in the Python code to use the new header. But, the python version of antibody modeling is out dated and I would advise using the latest C++ version (a detailed write-up can be found here). 


        • #12709


            Your error is due to BLAST changing the output header from “subject-id” to “subject-acc.ver”, so a simple fix is to alter line 1465 in the Python code to use the new header. But, the python version of antibody modeling is out dated and I would advise using the latest C++ version (a detailed write-up can be found here). 


          • #13230


              Your error is due to BLAST changing the output header from “subject-id” to “subject-acc.ver”, so a simple fix is to alter line 1465 in the Python code to use the new header. But, the python version of antibody modeling is out dated and I would advise using the latest C++ version (a detailed write-up can be found here). 


            • #12205

                Dear Jeliazko,


                Thank you very much for the update. I will be following your advice and the paper.


                Kind regards


              • #12726

                  Dear Jeliazko,


                  Thank you very much for the update. I will be following your advice and the paper.


                  Kind regards


                • #13247

                    Dear Jeliazko,


                    Thank you very much for the update. I will be following your advice and the paper.


                    Kind regards


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