I am trying to model a loop with a constraints file (the constraints are for the atoms of the loop).
but every time I get this message:
[FILE]: src/core/pose/util.cc
[LINE]: 704
Atom 'OVL1 31' not found
I also tried to set the flag “-constraints:named” to true but it didn’t help…
I am using the following command:
loopmodel.linuxgccrelease -ex1 -ex2 -extrachi_cutoff 0 -loops:remodel perturb_kic -loops:refine refine_kic -constraints:named true -loops:fix_natsc -in:file:fullatom -in:file:s my_file.pdb -loops:loop_file my_loop_file -nstruct 1 -constraints:cst:file my_const -constraints:cst_weight 1.0 > loop_model.log
Is there any way to model a loop in rosetta with a constraints file (without constraints it work fine)?