Modelling a loopless structure

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General Modelling a loopless structure

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    • #1096

        I am new to Rosetta, and I would like to have Rosetta3.3 predict the detailed structure of a sequence homologous to that of a short two-chain loopless structure (it is an alpha-helical coiled coil). I tried comparative modeling in minirosetta, and since there are no loops, I simply tried deleting all the -loops commands, but the program was coming back with an error: Fragment IO: could not open file frag9. Do I have to supply fragment files and loop commands when there are no loops? And how would I do that? Thanks for any help.

      • #6298

          It’s not clear to me which executable you are using. Providing fragments (get them from the robetta server) won’t hurt in any case; try that first.

        • #6347

            Thanks so much. I was able to get fragments using Robetta, and am continuing to debug…

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