Hi Everyone,
I’m sorry to open a new topic about the RECON multi-state design. I got the same error when I run Rosetta when I used mpi (I tried two Rosetta versions 2016.08 and 2018.09). In the error message, it said I need to pass the -run:msd_job_dist flag to make it work (I did and it still didn’t work). Here is the error I got:
protocols.jd2.PDBJobInputter: (3) PDBJobInputter::pose_from_job
protocols.jd2.PDBJobInputter: (3) filling pose from saved copy 4HKX_relax.pdb
protocols.rosetta_scripts.ParsedProtocol: (3) =======================BEGIN MOVER MSDMover – msd1=======================
protocols.rosetta_scripts.ParsedProtocol: (3) [ ERROR ] Exception while processing procotol:
File: src/protocols/simple_moves/MSDMover.cc:130
Error: no poses initialized. If you run MSDMover from RosettaScripts you need to pass the -run:msd_job_dist flag
protocols.jd2.JobDistributor: (3) [ ERROR ]
[ERROR] Exception caught by JobDistributor for job 4HKX_relax_test_0003
I attach the flags file .options, Rosetta script .xml and the output test.txt here. Your help would be greatly appreciated.