I’m using cyclosporin to as a test case for understanding the design of macrocycles using Rosetta. In the $ROSETTA3_DB/chemical/residue_type_sets/fa_standard/residue_types/cyclosporin directory there are parameters for two cyclosporin specific residues. But when I try to use these residues in my input sequence (ALA LEU LEU VAL BMT LMA GLY LEU VAL LEU ALA), I’m getting this error when I run simple_cycpep_predict:
ERROR: Error! Could not open rotamer library file ncaa_rotamer_libraries/cyclosporin/BMT_Nmethylated.rotlib for read.
I downloaded the from Rosetta NCAA Rotamer Libraries (277M) from https://www.rosettacommons.org/downloads/commercial/3.12/, but there is no cyclosporin directory. Is there somewhere else to get the rotamer file, or do I need to generate it myself?