Dear all,
i’m running FunFolDes .
but want to rewrite it for new scoring function and new BUNS.
this post has new scoring function, but ignores BUNS
old Buns were
<BuriedUnsatHbonds name=”BUNS” jump_number=”0″ confidence=”0″
Would it be ok to take VBUNS (new very buried unsats) instead of old Buns ?
<BuriedUnsatHbonds name=”BUNS” report_all_heavy_atom_unsats=”true” scorefxn=”beta” ignore_surface_res=”false”print_out_info_to_pdb=”false” atomic_depth_selection=”5.5″ burial_cutoff=”1000″ confidence=”0″ task_operations=”FFLMOTIF_TASKOP,FFLFLEX_TASKOP,FFLTEMPLATE_TASKOP” />
thank you very much!