Pepspec Anchor Dock

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Applications Pepspec Anchor Dock

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    • #3579

        Good evening, I would like to ask for your help because I am trying to run the pepspec anchor dock protocol, so I am using the following options as flags, which come in the tutorial:

        -database / home / soler / rosetta / main / database

        -in: file: s ./KARS.pdb

        -ex1 – increase the chi1 resolution of the rotamer library

        -ex2 – increase the chi2 resolution of the rotamer library

        -extrachi_cutoff 0 – increase rotamer sampling at exposed positions

        -pepspec: ref_pdb_list KARS.pdb A 5

        -pepspec: n_peptides 5

        -pepspec: anchor_type PRO

        -pepspec: no_prepack_prot false

        For this, I am executing the protocol on the desktop, in it I have the input structure and the previous flags file.

         Desktop $ /home/soler/rosetta/main/source/bin/pepspec_anchor_dock.default.linuxgccrelease @flags

        When I run this in the terminal, it automatically gives me an internal error, this appears when I open rosetta_crash.log:

        [FILE]: src / utility / options /

        [LINE]: 1430


        Option matching -database not found in indented @file context –



        Can you help me? Thanks in advance

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