Peripheral membrane protein modeling

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General Peripheral membrane protein modeling

  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #3010

        Is it possible to model peripheral membrane proteins?

        I know RosettaMP is  useful to model transmembrane proteins, but I don’t know whether it is applicable for peripheral membrane proteins or not.



      • #14454

          Sorry, there really isn’t support for membrane proteins which don’t have at least one transmembrane span.

          I do know there’s work in the RosettaCommons community to add such support, but it might be a bit before that work is ready for public release.

          • #14456

              I see. Thanks for your reply.

          • #14457

              I am just a user, but I use Charmm-GUI (online) to add a DPPC bilayer and then use the output in Rosetta. Charmm-GUI is great and let’s you choose the orientation etc. Then I remove the solvent and relax works fine albeit a tad slower.

              Say I have an iTasser model of the protein, I got to and add a dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer, which is a fairly normal lipid. Then I tweak the output in PyMol –say fix a floopy loop sticking into the membrane say– and do something like the following…

              remove solvent
              alter resn DPPC, resn='FAT'
              alter resn FAT, chain='X'
              alter all, segi=''
              alter resn FAT, type='HETATM'
              #save xxx.pdb

              And use the attached FAT.params like:

              $ROSETTA/relax.$ROSETTAEXT -database $ROSETTADB -s protein.pdb -no_optH false -ex1 -ex2 -ex1aro -mute basic -relax:jump_move true -relax:thorough -in:file:extra_res_fa FAT.params -nstruct 10

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