protein-ligand docking rescoring with interfaceAnalyzer

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Applications protein-ligand docking rescoring with interfaceAnalyzer

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    • #3652


         My name is Jong hui Hong

         I’d like to rescore docking result structure made by Rosetta-script application with InterfaceAnalyzer

         But InterfaceAnalyzer application binary couldn’t be found in binary folder ( rosetta-source/main/source/bin) .

         Is there any other folder for that application ?

         It seems that InterfaceAnalyzer source is there in Rosetta source

         Can there be something wrong with my rosetta installation?

         Any kind of suggestion or answer would be appreciated 



      • #15659



            I should find it more carefully.

            InterfaceAnalyzer binary was found int rosetta_soruce/main/source/bin/InterfaceAnalyzer.static.linuxgccrelease

            With InterfaceAnalyzer, I want to rescore my docked conformer to get the interface_delta_X,

            In result INTERFACE DELTA SASA was there. but it was SASA not energy like interface_delta_X

            Can I get the interface_delta_X with InterfaceAnalyzer ?

            If not, How can I calculate interface_delta_X with my docked_ conformer?

            Really appreate for your help



            Jong hui

        • #15660


              When I rescore each complex conformer generated by Rosetta script based docking , I also use score_jd2 and total_score is also in the result.

             But there is a huge difference between the total_score obtained by score_jd2( 282.232) and the total_score obtained after docking run(-888)

             I tried my best to understand what’s going insdie. But I could’nt

             How can I reproduce the total_score value obtained after docking run?

             Any kind of suggestion would be welcomed



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