protein protein interaction design

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Applications protein protein interaction design

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    • #3146



        I have docked two proteins  and Now I am going to design the binding interface of one of them while fix everything in the other. I mean I want to do protein protein interaction design. which part of rosetta would be for this job?? is it fixbb?



      • #14730


          I would use RosettaScripts. Your best bet is to find an example XML that does approximatly what you want and then adapt it to the specifics. 

          (Disclamer: I’m not doing one-sided protein interface design:)




          • #14731

              the problem is Im new to work with rosetta and bioinformatic, so I dont know How I should find rosetta script and use it. I want to know  is it really wrong choice to use fix bb for this purpose?





            • #14733

                That’s a problem. You’ll have the best sucess if somebody locally can help you. 

                However just googling for “Rosetta interface protein design” gives a usefull second hit

                This should get you started.




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