proteins.pdb: Not enough chains in submitted protein! [At least 2 chains should be present, found chains: [u’A’]…]

Member Site Forums ROSIE ROSIE – General proteins.pdb: Not enough chains in submitted protein! [At least 2 chains should be present, found chains: [u’A’]…]

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    • #2875



        I am trying to dock two proteins but I keep getting this error. I am not sure why its there as there are two chains in the pdb.

        Can anyone help?

        Thank you

      • #14147

          It looks like you’re separating the two chains with an ENDMDL tag. By default Rosetta will only read the first model of a multi-model file, so you’re only getting the first chain.

          Change the ENDMDL lines to TER lines, and you should be good.

        • #14148

            Fantastic, thank you!

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