Member Site Forums PyRosetta PyRosetta – General PyMOL Update

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    • #2892

        Dear Developers,


        PyMOL has just been updated to use Python 3 by default, thus the script to view the structure changes in PyMOL no longer works.

        The print statements needs to be changed as well as the ‘from cStringIO import StringIO’ along with other changes to update the script from python 2 to python 3.


        I hope this helps.

      • #14188

          We’ve had an issue filed for this for a while.  The first fix didn’t stick.  Thanks for pointing it out!

        • #14223

            Has there been any progress made on this issue? I have tried to make a workaround myself and am currently stuck on decompressing  the structure in packet processing. gzip/zlib does not seem to like the header and format of the structure sent. 

          • #14224

              This has being cared of, in the newest PyRosetta build you should be able to find script which should work fine in Pyhon3

              • #14231

                  Would you happen to know where the file is? I just downloaded the latest build (linux release 180 for python 3.6) and cannot find the script anywhere. I did a search on the whole distribution and nothing turned up.

                • #14233

                    IDK if Sergey gets replies emailed by the forum software but I have brought this to his attention.

                  • #14234

                      Thank you for letting us know! Looks like this file was not added into distribution package. This is fixed now, so next release (~May 18) should have it. In meanwhile you can grab it from Rosetta source package (should be in main/source/src/python/PyRosetta/src/ dir).

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