PyRosetta + PyMol

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    • #405

        Is there a way to dump a pdb to an object instead of a file?
        This would allow a script running inside PyMol to update the displayed structure.

        If I’m missing something obvious a pointer in the right direction would be appreciated…



      • #4275

          What object are you referring to? PyRosetta uses the Pose object exclusively and PDB file format for input/output. It wouldn’t be too hard to write a Python object that takes in a Pose object however and can interface with PyMol.

          We’re still working on integrating PyRosetta with Pymol. There is a script called “” in the pyrosetta directory which starts to address the issue. If you want to tackle the problem, try starting with that.

          Good luck!

          • #4316

              __ I’ve been trying to incorporate PyRosetta into PyMOL. The process is:__

              1. in the shell script which launches PyMOL, include:

              if [ -f “/u/srballard/PyRosetta/” ]
              source /u/srballard/PyRosetta/
              2. After PyMOL loads:


              –this runs fine

              PyMOL>run PyRosetta/

              Traceback (most recent call last):
              File “/u/srballard/Desktop/”, line 338, in parse
              File “/u/srballard/Desktop/”, line 455, in run_file
              File “PyRosetta/”, line 56, in
              from rosetta import *
              File “/u/srballard/PyRosetta/rosetta/”, line 14, in
              import utility, core
              File “/u/srballard/PyRosetta/rosetta/utility/”, line 1, in
              from _rosetta_utility import *
              ImportError: dlopen(/u/srballard/PyRosetta/rosetta/utility/, 2): Library not loaded: libboost_python-xgcc40-mt-1_38.dylib
              Referenced from: /u/srballard/PyRosetta/rosetta/utility/
              Reason: image not found

              __If anyone can work out why this occurs, or better yet how to fix it, that would be great to know.__

          • #4338

              My initial (simple minded) idea was that one might dump a pose to a pdb as a string and then use the PyMol’s read_pdbstr as a easy way to ‘refresh’ the structure displayed in PyMol after its been altered with PyRosetta.

              I’ll try to test the PyRosetta-PyMol script after I compile a PyMol with Python 2.5.

              > Is there a way to dump a pdb to an object instead of a file?
              > This would allow a script running inside PyMol to update the displayed structure.
              > If I’m missing something obvious a pointer in the right direction would be appreciated…
              > Thanks!
              > -da

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