Question about py import rosetta.core

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Build/Install Question about py import rosetta.core

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    • #3897

        When I run the py file,it occured:

         from rosetta.core.scoring.sasa import SasaCalc

        ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘rosetta.core’


        I don’t know how to handle it, thanks for every help

      • #16104

          In recent versions of PyRosetta, the rosetta module is now a submodule of pyrosetta.

          Change the line to the following:

                         from pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.sasa import SasaCalc

          • #16105

              I tried as you said,but it still occued

              from pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.sasa import SasaCalc

              ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘pyrosetta’

              I also tried “pip install pyrosetta”,it doesn;t work



            • #16106

                PyRosetta is separately licensed (, and must be obtained and installed manually (, using the username and password provided to you with the license – there’s not a convienient pip install command which works out of the box.

                You also need to install PyRosetta for the particular Python interpreter you’re using. One common issue is to install pyrosetta to one Python interpreter, but accidentally launch another one. If you’ve installed PyRosetta, but are still seeing the “No module named ‘pyrosetta'” issue check which python interpreters you’re using.

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