I am exactly using the same files in the tutorial of https://www.rosettacommons.org/demos/latest/tutorials/loop_modeling/loop_modeling
In the “Extending the Termini” section, I use “3gbn_missing_cterm.pdb“, “3gbn_missing_cterm.remodel” and “flag_missing_cterm” files as input, with a command
$ROSETTA3/bin/remodel.linuxgccrelease @flag_missing_cterm
But I got the error message of “core.pack.task.ResfileReader: On line 3, the pose does not have residue with chain=H, PDBnum=114.” (log file ROSETTA_CRASH.log)
It seems to be an existing bug as shown at https://github.com/ProteinDesignLab/protein-design-tutorials/blob/master/remodel/remodel_bugs.md, which suggests me to 1) replace the chain ID with a space in the pdb file; 2) add “-chain” in the flag file. I did this, but got another error message “On line 3, the chain identifier ‘PIKAA’ must be just a single character in [_A-Za-z] (note the chain identifier is case sensitive).” (log file ROSETTA_CRASH_2.log).
Can I ask how to work around this problem? Why even the tutorial could not be reproduced?
My Rosetta version is rosetta_src_2019.42.60994_bundle
Many thanks!