Member Site Forums PyRosetta PyRosetta – General Resfile Error

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    • #3197

        Hello everyone,


        I am trying to perform RosettaDesign, and I have a script that uses pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pack.task.parse_resfile()

        In the past this worked just fine, but now with the new update it seems it doesn’t work, I get this error:

        File: /scratch/benchmark/$ main/source/src/core/pack/task/ [ ERROR ] UtilityExitException ERROR:

        I am not sure how to fix this issue, following is two codes that break:

        pose = pose_from_pdb('structure.pdb')
        packtask = standard_packer_task(pose)
        pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pack.task.parse_resfile(pose, packtask, 'resfile')


        resfile = rosetta.core.pack.task.operation.ReadResfile('resfile')
        task = pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pack.task.TaskFactory()

        The contents of the resfile are as such:

        3 A PIKAA QTY

        I am not sure what has changed, did I compile PyRosetta incorrectly as to have missed the main/source/src/core/pack/task/ somehow?


        Your help would be greatly appriciated

      • #14845

          File: /scratch/benchmark/$ main/source/src/core/pack/task/ [ ERROR ] UtilityExitException ERROR:

           This is not an error.  This is the line that tells you you are about to be told what the error is.


          The resfile is not obviously malformed (although I think start may need to be lower case).  It’s unlikely residues 1-3 on chain A don’t exist unless your PDB starts from not-chain-A or not-1.  


          task.push_back(resfile) should not try to read the resfile, so if it is literally that line that is failing, something very unusual has occurred, but I think it’s happening when you create a task later on.

          • #14847

              I am having the same problem, and that is the end of the error message output (it stops right before saying anything useful).

              The strangest part is that I have another copy of the same code running in a different window, just targeting pdb files that have different positions for the residues, and that part is not having this issue.

          • #14854

              Looking at the code that throws the error message, there’s a weird conditional that skips printing what the error message was if the -run:interactive flag is not set.  Try adding the -run:interactive flag and see if it gives you a more informative error message.

              (I’m going to take that out right now, so that future versions of Rosetta always print the error message.  It’s quite silly.)

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