The residue_energy_breakdown utility is still sort of in the pre-release pilot stage (and to this point I really wasn’t planning on making it ready for the upcoming 3.4 release). The source code is not included in the 3.3 release. While I did write up a documentation page for it, I didn’t really intend for it to get included in the official manual. (By the way, how did you come across the documentation page – it wasn’t linked through the documentation homepage, was it?)
There’s two options if you want similar functionality. One is to use the (undocumented, but should be available through the 3.3 release) ScoreCutoffFilter filter in RosettaScripts, with report_residue_pair_energies set to 1 (i.e. something like ) – this should dump similar information to the tracer output.
The other is to contact me (click the envelope icon to the left), and I can send you the source for residue_energy_breakdown on an unoffical/pre-release basis.