rosetta build error

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Build/Install rosetta build error

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    • #2851

        Dear Rosetta users!

        I am trying to build and use rosetta latest version but getting error while compiling source code with ./ 

        the error file is attached herewith, kinldy try to help me out.

        many thanks in advance!




        error log file is

        genesis:/home/gnss/singhma> python -V

        Python 2.6.6

        genesis:/home/gnss/singhma> p27

        [singhma@genesis ~]$ python -V

        Python 2.7.13

        [singhma@genesis ~]$ cd rosetta/software

        [singhma@genesis software]$ ll

        total 3020192

        -rw-r–r– 1 singhma gnss  252221850 Jun  5 16:32 rosetta_3.8_user_guide.tgz

        drwxr-xr-x 6 singhma gnss       4096 Feb 26 02:55 rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle

        -rw-r–r– 1 singhma gnss 2840439965 Jun  5 16:31 rosetta_src_3.8_bundle.tgz

        [singhma@genesis software]$ cd rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/

        [singhma@genesis rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle]$ cd ma i n/source

        bash: cd: ma: No such file or directory

        [singhma@genesis rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle]$ ./ -j12 mode=release bin

        bash: ./ No such file or directory

        [singhma@genesis rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle]$ cd main/source

        [singhma@genesis source]$ ./ -j12 mode=release bin

        scons: Reading SConscript files …

        Running versioning script … fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

        Done. (0.0 seconds)

        Number of option files updated: 0

        Total 3922 options.

        Finished updating ResidueProperty code — no changes needed

        Finished updating VariantType code — no changes needed

        scons: done reading SConscript files.

        scons: Building targets …

        g++ -o build/src/release/linux/2.6/64/x86/gcc/4.4/default/apps/public/AbinitioRelax.o -c -std=c++0x -ffor-scope -isystem external/boost_1_55_0/ -isystem external/ -isystem external/include/ -isystem external/dbio/ -pipe -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Werror -Wno-long-long -Wno-strict-aliasing -march=core2 -mtune=generic -O3 -ffast-math -fno-finite-math-only -funroll-loops -finline-functions -finline-limit=20000 -s -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-parameter -DBOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY -DBOOST_SYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED -DBOOST_MATH_NO_LONG_DOUBLE_MATH_FUNCTIONS -DPTR_STD -DNDEBUG -Isrc -Iexternal/include -Isrc/platform/linux/64/gcc/4.4 -Isrc/platform/linux/64/gcc -Isrc/platform/linux/64 -Isrc/platform/linux -Iexternal/boost_1_55_0 -Iexternal/libxml2/include -Iexternal -Iexternal/dbio -I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include src/apps/public/

        In file included from src/utility/options/Option.hh:25,

                         from src/utility/options/OptionCollection.hh:23,

                         from src/basic/options/option.hh:17,

        src/utility/signals/BufferedSignalHub.hh:124:   instantiated from ‘void utility::signals::BufferedSignalHub<ResultType, Signal>::unblock() [with ReturnType = void, Signal = core::pose::signals::DestructionEvent]’

        src/utility/options/ScalarOption_T_.hh:155:   instantiated from here

        /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.4.7/../../../../include/c++/4.4.7/bits/stl_iterator.h:708: error: cannot increment a pointer to incomplete type ‘core::pose::signals::DestructionEvent’

        scons: *** [build/src/release/linux/2.6/64/x86/gcc/4.4/default/protocols/mpi_refinement/MPI_Refinement.os] Error 1

        scons: building terminated because of errors.

        [singhma@genesis source]$

        [singhma@genesis source]$


      • #12384

          Your comment was long enough that it was breaking the forum software.  I edited out some of the error stream.

          The problem is that GCC 4.4 is too old to compile Rosetta 3.8.

        • #12905

            Your comment was long enough that it was breaking the forum software.  I edited out some of the error stream.

            The problem is that GCC 4.4 is too old to compile Rosetta 3.8.

          • #13426

              Your comment was long enough that it was breaking the forum software.  I edited out some of the error stream.

              The problem is that GCC 4.4 is too old to compile Rosetta 3.8.

            • #12399

                Interesting.  These are the same errors you had with GCC 4.4.  I’d suspect something is going wrong in pathing and g++ still points to 4.4, perhaps?  What does “which g++” report?  What does “g++ –version” (or whatever its version flag is) report?

              • #12920

                  Interesting.  These are the same errors you had with GCC 4.4.  I’d suspect something is going wrong in pathing and g++ still points to 4.4, perhaps?  What does “which g++” report?  What does “g++ –version” (or whatever its version flag is) report?

                • #13441

                    Interesting.  These are the same errors you had with GCC 4.4.  I’d suspect something is going wrong in pathing and g++ still points to 4.4, perhaps?  What does “which g++” report?  What does “g++ –version” (or whatever its version flag is) report?

                  • #13491



                      Bingo!! Rosetta is compiled and working fine now!!!!

                      Thank you dear for your time and suggestions!




                    • #13492



                        How to use multiple cores for rosetta calculations?

                        and second is it possible to use GPUs for ddG calcultions in rosetta?


                        Thanks in advance!


                      • #13493


                          I have compiled the source of Rosetta suit, and downloaded the Linux binary file version too.

                          if i am using binary version for the protein preperation: it shows relax.static.linixgccrelease script but in the compiled version the file is “relax.default.linixgccrelease”.

                          moreover, the relax protocol is very well running in the binary version, however, in the compiled version it is giving errors (/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/ros-c/main/source/bin/relax.default.linuxgccrelease: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory).


                          what could be the reason for this?



                        • #12385

                            thank you, I will try with updated version of gcc.


                          • #12906

                              thank you, I will try with updated version of gcc.


                            • #13427

                                thank you, I will try with updated version of gcc.


                              • #12395


                                  I tried compiling rosetta 3.8 with gcc 6.2, but still it is ending up with errors (file atached herwith).

                                  Many thanks in advance!


                                • #12916


                                    I tried compiling rosetta 3.8 with gcc 6.2, but still it is ending up with errors (file atached herwith).

                                    Many thanks in advance!


                                  • #13437


                                      I tried compiling rosetta 3.8 with gcc 6.2, but still it is ending up with errors (file atached herwith).

                                      Many thanks in advance!


                                    • #12401



                                        the version command returns: 

                                        [singhma@genesis ~]$ scl enable devtoolset-6 bash
                                        [singhma@genesis ~]$ gcc --version
                                        gcc (GCC) 6.2.1 20160916 (Red Hat 6.2.1-3)


                                        and the which command : /usr/bin/g++




                                      • #12922



                                          the version command returns: 

                                          [singhma@genesis ~]$ scl enable devtoolset-6 bash
                                          [singhma@genesis ~]$ gcc --version
                                          gcc (GCC) 6.2.1 20160916 (Red Hat 6.2.1-3)


                                          and the which command : /usr/bin/g++




                                        • #13443



                                            the version command returns: 

                                            [singhma@genesis ~]$ scl enable devtoolset-6 bash
                                            [singhma@genesis ~]$ gcc --version
                                            gcc (GCC) 6.2.1 20160916 (Red Hat 6.2.1-3)


                                            and the which command : /usr/bin/g++




                                          • #12410

                                              There is a compiler compatibility script at the top of the documentation page I linked earlier – what does it return?

                                              Have you made modifications to the settings files in tools/build?  Modifications to tools/build/user.settings are common to resolve pathing issues – I’m wondering if it’s overriding your path in such a way that you still get g++ 4 from scons even though you have a more recent one installed in your normal environment.  The prepended “scl enable …” makes me especially suspicious of that type of problem.

                                            • #12931

                                                There is a compiler compatibility script at the top of the documentation page I linked earlier – what does it return?

                                                Have you made modifications to the settings files in tools/build?  Modifications to tools/build/user.settings are common to resolve pathing issues – I’m wondering if it’s overriding your path in such a way that you still get g++ 4 from scons even though you have a more recent one installed in your normal environment.  The prepended “scl enable …” makes me especially suspicious of that type of problem.

                                              • #13452

                                                  There is a compiler compatibility script at the top of the documentation page I linked earlier – what does it return?

                                                  Have you made modifications to the settings files in tools/build?  Modifications to tools/build/user.settings are common to resolve pathing issues – I’m wondering if it’s overriding your path in such a way that you still get g++ 4 from scons even though you have a more recent one installed in your normal environment.  The prepended “scl enable …” makes me especially suspicious of that type of problem.

                                                • #12424

                                                    Hello !

                                                    Thanks for your response. I tried the compiler command and it passed all tests (file attached)

                                                    I didn’t make any change to tools/build/user.settings file.  Could you please tell what to do in this file ? 


                                                    Thanks in advance!


                                                  • #12945

                                                      Hello !

                                                      Thanks for your response. I tried the compiler command and it passed all tests (file attached)

                                                      I didn’t make any change to tools/build/user.settings file.  Could you please tell what to do in this file ? 


                                                      Thanks in advance!


                                                    • #13466

                                                        Hello !

                                                        Thanks for your response. I tried the compiler command and it passed all tests (file attached)

                                                        I didn’t make any change to tools/build/user.settings file.  Could you please tell what to do in this file ? 


                                                        Thanks in advance!


                                                      • #12425

                                                          If `g++ –version` is giving you the correct version at the commandline, but scons doesn’t seem to be picking things up, I’d first recommend copying  main/source/tools/build/site.settings.killdevil to main/source/tools/build/site.settings  

                                                          By default Scons will bypass your shell’s PATH settings. The site.settings.killdevil has facilities for enabling your path settings in the scons build process.

                                                        • #12946

                                                            If `g++ –version` is giving you the correct version at the commandline, but scons doesn’t seem to be picking things up, I’d first recommend copying  main/source/tools/build/site.settings.killdevil to main/source/tools/build/site.settings  

                                                            By default Scons will bypass your shell’s PATH settings. The site.settings.killdevil has facilities for enabling your path settings in the scons build process.

                                                          • #13467

                                                              If `g++ –version` is giving you the correct version at the commandline, but scons doesn’t seem to be picking things up, I’d first recommend copying  main/source/tools/build/site.settings.killdevil to main/source/tools/build/site.settings  

                                                              By default Scons will bypass your shell’s PATH settings. The site.settings.killdevil has facilities for enabling your path settings in the scons build process.

                                                            • #12431


                                                                is it /site.settings  file? because there is no such file. there are files ‘site.settings.xx’, where xx is wiggins, vaxmpi etc. 

                                                                Based on our earlier discussion, I copied the content of site.settings.killdevil to users.settings and tried to compile the source.  

                                                                [singhma@genesis source]$ ./ -j8 mode=release bin

                                                                scons: Reading SConscript files …

                                                                Traceback (most recent call last):

                                                                  File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/SConstruct”, line 150, in main

                                                                    build = SConscript(“tools/build/”)

                                                                  File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/external/scons-local/scons-local-2.0.1/SCons/Script/”, line 614, in __call__

                                                                    return method(*args, **kw)

                                                                  File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/external/scons-local/scons-local-2.0.1/SCons/Script/”, line 551, in SConscript

                                                                    return _SConscript(self.fs, *files, **subst_kw)

                                                                  File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/external/scons-local/scons-local-2.0.1/SCons/Script/”, line 260, in _SConscript

                                                                    exec _file_ in call_stack[-1].globals

                                                                  File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/tools/build/”, line 429, in <module>

                                                                    build = setup()

                                                                  File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/tools/build/”, line 420, in setup

                                                                    build.settings = setup_build_settings(build.options)

                                                                  File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/tools/build/”, line 216, in setup_build_settings

                                                                    user = Settings.load(“user.settings”, “settings”)

                                                                  File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/tools/build/”, line 130, in load

                                                                    execfile(file, settings)

                                                                  File “user.settings”, line 29, in <module>

                                                                NameError: name ‘os’ is not defined

                                                                scons: done reading SConscript files.

                                                                scons: Building targets …

                                                                scons: `bin’ is up to date.

                                                                scons: done building targets.


                                                                this seems liek completed but i doubt there is some problem. 

                                                                – it took some seconds to complete.

                                                                – ‘bin’ folder is empty.





                                                              • #12952


                                                                  is it /site.settings  file? because there is no such file. there are files ‘site.settings.xx’, where xx is wiggins, vaxmpi etc. 

                                                                  Based on our earlier discussion, I copied the content of site.settings.killdevil to users.settings and tried to compile the source.  

                                                                  [singhma@genesis source]$ ./ -j8 mode=release bin

                                                                  scons: Reading SConscript files …

                                                                  Traceback (most recent call last):

                                                                    File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/SConstruct”, line 150, in main

                                                                      build = SConscript(“tools/build/”)

                                                                    File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/external/scons-local/scons-local-2.0.1/SCons/Script/”, line 614, in __call__

                                                                      return method(*args, **kw)

                                                                    File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/external/scons-local/scons-local-2.0.1/SCons/Script/”, line 551, in SConscript

                                                                      return _SConscript(self.fs, *files, **subst_kw)

                                                                    File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/external/scons-local/scons-local-2.0.1/SCons/Script/”, line 260, in _SConscript

                                                                      exec _file_ in call_stack[-1].globals

                                                                    File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/tools/build/”, line 429, in <module>

                                                                      build = setup()

                                                                    File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/tools/build/”, line 420, in setup

                                                                      build.settings = setup_build_settings(build.options)

                                                                    File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/tools/build/”, line 216, in setup_build_settings

                                                                      user = Settings.load(“user.settings”, “settings”)

                                                                    File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/tools/build/”, line 130, in load

                                                                      execfile(file, settings)

                                                                    File “user.settings”, line 29, in <module>

                                                                  NameError: name ‘os’ is not defined

                                                                  scons: done reading SConscript files.

                                                                  scons: Building targets …

                                                                  scons: `bin’ is up to date.

                                                                  scons: done building targets.


                                                                  this seems liek completed but i doubt there is some problem. 

                                                                  – it took some seconds to complete.

                                                                  – ‘bin’ folder is empty.





                                                                • #13473


                                                                    is it /site.settings  file? because there is no such file. there are files ‘site.settings.xx’, where xx is wiggins, vaxmpi etc. 

                                                                    Based on our earlier discussion, I copied the content of site.settings.killdevil to users.settings and tried to compile the source.  

                                                                    [singhma@genesis source]$ ./ -j8 mode=release bin

                                                                    scons: Reading SConscript files …

                                                                    Traceback (most recent call last):

                                                                      File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/SConstruct”, line 150, in main

                                                                        build = SConscript(“tools/build/”)

                                                                      File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/external/scons-local/scons-local-2.0.1/SCons/Script/”, line 614, in __call__

                                                                        return method(*args, **kw)

                                                                      File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/external/scons-local/scons-local-2.0.1/SCons/Script/”, line 551, in SConscript

                                                                        return _SConscript(self.fs, *files, **subst_kw)

                                                                      File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/external/scons-local/scons-local-2.0.1/SCons/Script/”, line 260, in _SConscript

                                                                        exec _file_ in call_stack[-1].globals

                                                                      File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/tools/build/”, line 429, in <module>

                                                                        build = setup()

                                                                      File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/tools/build/”, line 420, in setup

                                                                        build.settings = setup_build_settings(build.options)

                                                                      File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/tools/build/”, line 216, in setup_build_settings

                                                                        user = Settings.load(“user.settings”, “settings”)

                                                                      File “/home/gnss/singhma/rosetta/software/rosetta_src_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/tools/build/”, line 130, in load

                                                                        execfile(file, settings)

                                                                      File “user.settings”, line 29, in <module>

                                                                    NameError: name ‘os’ is not defined

                                                                    scons: done reading SConscript files.

                                                                    scons: Building targets …

                                                                    scons: `bin’ is up to date.

                                                                    scons: done building targets.


                                                                    this seems liek completed but i doubt there is some problem. 

                                                                    – it took some seconds to complete.

                                                                    – ‘bin’ folder is empty.





                                                                  • #12434

                                                                      Right, the “site.settings” file doesn’t exist, so you copy the “site.settings.killdevil” file to that name, creating it.

                                                                      You can also copy it to the “user.settings” file, though if you do that you may need to change the line which reads `”site” : {` to read `”user” : {` instead.

                                                                      I’m a little surprised at the error message you’re getting, as the ‘os’ should be present due to the “import os” line in the site.settings.killdevil file.  Did you copy site.settings.killdevil exactly? (e.g. with something like `cp site.settings.killdevil  user.settings`?)  The only way I think you’d get that error is if something was messed up with the copy.

                                                                      I’d recommend deleting your current `user.settings` file, and then doing a `cp site.settings.killdevil   site.settings` in the Rosetta/main/source/tools/build/ directory. That should fix things.

                                                                    • #12955

                                                                        Right, the “site.settings” file doesn’t exist, so you copy the “site.settings.killdevil” file to that name, creating it.

                                                                        You can also copy it to the “user.settings” file, though if you do that you may need to change the line which reads `”site” : {` to read `”user” : {` instead.

                                                                        I’m a little surprised at the error message you’re getting, as the ‘os’ should be present due to the “import os” line in the site.settings.killdevil file.  Did you copy site.settings.killdevil exactly? (e.g. with something like `cp site.settings.killdevil  user.settings`?)  The only way I think you’d get that error is if something was messed up with the copy.

                                                                        I’d recommend deleting your current `user.settings` file, and then doing a `cp site.settings.killdevil   site.settings` in the Rosetta/main/source/tools/build/ directory. That should fix things.

                                                                      • #13476

                                                                          Right, the “site.settings” file doesn’t exist, so you copy the “site.settings.killdevil” file to that name, creating it.

                                                                          You can also copy it to the “user.settings” file, though if you do that you may need to change the line which reads `”site” : {` to read `”user” : {` instead.

                                                                          I’m a little surprised at the error message you’re getting, as the ‘os’ should be present due to the “import os” line in the site.settings.killdevil file.  Did you copy site.settings.killdevil exactly? (e.g. with something like `cp site.settings.killdevil  user.settings`?)  The only way I think you’d get that error is if something was messed up with the copy.

                                                                          I’d recommend deleting your current `user.settings` file, and then doing a `cp site.settings.killdevil   site.settings` in the Rosetta/main/source/tools/build/ directory. That should fix things.

                                                                        • #13497

                                                                            GPUs: nope.  We have (almost) no public support for GPU.  They optimize calculation in basically the opposite way Rosetta optimizes things, so it requires a lot of rewrite to use them efficiently.


                                                                            multiple cores: We don’t support multithreading either.  We do support MPI, which will let you run multiple Rosetta calls together, sharing their output space (so that one run produces _0001, the next produces _0002, etc.  DDG does not support this, by the way – it runs multiple cycles internally and does not share the job distributor with most of Rosetta.

                                                                          • #13498

                                                                              “error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory”  

                                                                              If you want background – Google around to learn about static versus dynamic linking.  The binaries we provide are statically linked, which means they are bigger but rely on no outside shared code.  The compiled binaries are dynamically linked, which means they’re much smaller but expect system libraries to be in place to rely on.  

                                                                              The system libraries aren’t there because either A) the binary has been moved between the machines, B) they’ve been uninstalled, or most likely C) something has changed in your environment, so the paths are wrong.  If this is the thread I think it is (I can’t tell from the message compose page)  – you had to do some “setup” at commandline to make the compiler available in your path?  Probably Rosetta needs the same setup too to make sure the dynamic libraries are there on your path for runtime.

                                                                            • #13521

                                                                                Regarding the setup for Rosetta to find the dynamic libraries, it’s specifically setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. (This isn’t a Rosetta-specific setting, but a system one.) You should be able to put it in your shell setup file (e.g. ~/.bashrc) and have it be present for all runs.

                                                                              • #14020

                                                                                  Dear rmoretti,

                                                                                  I am also in vain trying to install rosetta on mac OS high sierra 10.13.3 but I seem to be completly lost in space as a comet lander on this one. I am having a somewhat similar error ouput like malkeet and I was therefore hoping that the copying killdevil solution would solve the problems. However I end up having an output that ends like this with a raise KeyError. Do you have any ideas on what I need to do to solve this? Any help would be most appreciated! Thanks in advance! 


                                                                                  ….. tools/build/”, line 210, in setup_build_settings

                                                                                      site = Settings.load(“site.settings”, “settings”)

                                                                                    File “/Users/karlmarkusroupe/rosetta_bin_mac_2017.08.59291_bundle/main/source/tools/build/”, line 130, in load

                                                                                      execfile(file, settings)

                                                                                    File “site.settings”, line 28, in <module>

                                                                                    File “/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/”, line 23, in __getitem__

                                                                                      raise KeyError(key)

                                                                                  KeyError: ‘LD_LIBRARY_PATH’

                                                                                  scons: done reading SConscript files.

                                                                                  scons: Building targets …

                                                                                  scons: `bin’ is up to date.

                                                                                  scons: done building targets.


                                                                                • #14021

                                                                                    If your system doesn’t have an LD_LIBRARY_PATH set, you can simply comment out the line that refers to it in your new site.settings file.

                                                                                  • #14037

                                                                                      Dear rmoretti,

                                                                                      Sorry for the late reply and for having to bother you again. I had set up an email alert to go off when you answered but something must have gone amiss.

                                                                                      Anyway commenting out the LD_library path did the trick but I now ended up having  4 new error 1 errors. All of them seem to be focused on errors in the reference to the CDRSetOptionsParser. I am copy pasting the end part of it here below. Do you have any good avice on how to get past this new set back. Hope this is as easy a fix and thanks for your time! 

                                                                                      src/protocols/antibody/database/ error: reference

                                                                                            to ‘core’ is ambiguous

                                                                                              for ( core::Size i = 1; i <= core::Size(CDRNameEnum_proto_total)…


                                                                                      src/core/types.hh:28:11: note: candidate found by name lookup is ‘core’

                                                                                      namespace core {


                                                                                      /usr/local/include/boost/core/demangle.hpp:47:11: note: candidate found by name

                                                                                            lookup is ‘boost::core’

                                                                                      namespace core


                                                                                      4 errors generated.

                                                                                      scons: *** [build/src/release/macos/17.4/64/x86/clang/9.0/default/protocols/antibody/database/CDRSetOptionsParser.os] Error 1

                                                                                      scons: building terminated because of errors.

                                                                                    • #14042

                                                                                        The earlier site.settings changes make SCons MORE aware of what is on your system – it looks in more places to find the bits and peices it needs.

                                                                                        The error is because it is finding too many things – it is finding your system-installed boost and using that in place of the boost that comes with Rosetta.  That boost’s namespace core (not present in our boost, apparently) conflicts with ours.

                                                                                        The strongest solution is to tell SCons to ignore that boost install, but I don’t know how to do it.

                                                                                        You might be able to re-order the headers in that .cc file so that the boost headers – or, if the headers it includes themselves include boost, THOSE headers – are at the BOTTOM of the list.  The fact that the compiler says ambiguous makes me think it won’t help.  Removing a boost header would work, but if the header is otherwise necessary it will stop compiling…

                                                                                      • #14043

                                                                                          This is actually due to a bug in the build system that already has a fix pending.  The issue is that the compiler is finding a system boost library, when Rosetta is expecting it to use the included Boost library — this results in the confusion. The fix is to fix the settings for compilation such that the included boost library is found before the system one.

                                                                                          In the Rosetta/main/source/tools/build/basic.settings file, go to line 1750 or so (In the “clang” block) and add four lines and modify two lines, such that it looks like the following:


                                                                                          "clang" : {
                                                                                          "overrides" : {
                                                                                          "cc" : "clang",
                                                                                          "cxx" : "clang++",
                                                                                          "appends" : {
                                                                                          "flags" : {
                                                                                          # We don't use any C -- but if we did would it really be C99?
                                                                                          # Are there portability issues?
                                                                                          # (The "isystem" directives here are to tell clang not to print
                                                                                          # warnings found in these external headers.)
                                                                                          "cc" : [
                                                                                          "isystem external/boost_1_55_0/",
                                                                                          "isystem external/",
                                                                                          "isystem external/include/",
                                                                                          "isystem external/dbio/", # Added the comma
                                                                                          "isystem /usr/include", # Added
                                                                                          "isystem /usr/local/include", # Added
                                                                                          "cxx" : [
                                                                                          "isystem external/boost_1_55_0/",
                                                                                          "isystem external/",
                                                                                          "isystem external/include/",
                                                                                          "isystem external/dbio/", # Added the comma
                                                                                          "isystem /usr/include", # Added
                                                                                          "isystem /usr/local/include", # Added


                                                                                          That should fix it on Macs, assuming you’re using the default Clang compiler (if you have things set up for GCC, you’ll need to do similar changes in the GCC block).

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