Rosetta have graphical user interface

Member Site Forums Rosetta++ Rosetta++ – Build/Install Rosetta have graphical user interface

  • This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #1166

        Hello Everyone

        I am new in rosetta software. Rosetta software runing on command line software.

        Is there available any graphical user interface version.

        Thanks and Regards,

      • #6668

          You’ve posted in the Rosetta++ section. Rosetta++ doesn’t have anything resembling a grahpical interface.

          Rosetta3 doesn’t have one either, although it comes a little closer. Rosetta3 has the traditional command line interface, but it also has python integration which can be used along with pymol to use pymol as a visualizer. There is also a “extras=graphics” compilation flag that allows visualization of running jobs (again, it’s not interactive). Finally, the FoldIT project is essentially a game version of Rosetta with a complete GUI; I don’t know if the non-game version is publicly available.

        • #11134

            We are making an effort to solve the “Rosetta GUI” problem at Cyrus Biotech, with a new GUI and cloud resources for heavy computation. It will be going live in early 2016 with homology modeling, simple protein design, and gradually releasing other Rosetta tools during 2016. Keep an eye on or @cyrusbiotech on twitter for updates and details as they are released.

          • #14452

              This is a 2018 update to this question, Cyrus Bio now offers a graphical user interface GUI version of Rosetta, developed by some of the previous members of RosettaCommons labs and in close collaboration with a number of Rosetta academic labs. This does not offer access to all of Rosetta, but is accessible for users in industry and academia for: Protein Structure prediction, homology modeling, protein design, protein/protein interface design and affinity design, free energy of mutation calculations, protein design with a flexible backbone, protein structural modeling, protein stabilization, and immune epitope prediction (MHC II immunogenicity). Available at

              Upcoming in fall 2018 are Rosetta features for: Protein design with small molecule ligands, replacement of small molecule ligands, design with ligand constraints, antibody homology modeling or antibody structure prediction (RosettaAntibody), protein/protein docking, antibody/antigen docking, and immune epitope removal or deimmunization. 

              More new Rosetta tools are anticipated in 2019 but not yet announced. 

            • #6671

                A non-game version of Foldit is available. See for details.

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