Note that the Kortemme lab scripts you point to aren’t actually running the protocol in PyRosetta, instead they’re job-handling scripts which invoke (though a subshell) the actual ddg_monomer application.
Unfortunately, the mover which forms the core of the Kellogg ddg_monomer protocol is not accessible through RosettaScripts. That said, you should be able to be able to put together a sequence of PackRotamersMovers and MinMovers which approximate the protocol being used by the ddg_monomer application.
The tricky bit would be the constraints which are added by the ddg_monomer application. For minimization, these are Calpha-Calpha distance constraints for all protein residues within 9 Ang. I belive that a close approximation can be obtained with the AddConstraintsToCurrentConformationMover, changing `use_distance_cst` to true, `max_distance` to 9.0 and coord_dev to 0.5.