RosettaAntibody3 is failing with “Error: no input sequences were specified!”

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Applications RosettaAntibody3 is failing with “Error: no input sequences were specified!”

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    • #3540

        Hi all,

        I am tryig to use RosettaAntibody3 to build a homology model for my antibody sequence. I am following the protocol workflow outlined in detail here: The only difference is that I am modleing a VHH (heavy chain only antibody).

        I am run the grafting tool without issue with results in an output model (grafting/model-0.pdb), exactly as the protocol states it should. I then fed that PDB into the antibody_h3 application, and am hit with the error:

        [ ERROR ]: Caught exception:

        File: src/apps/public/antibody/
        [ ERROR ] UtilityExitException
        ERROR: Error: no input sequences were specified!

        I have no idea what this means, or how to address it since I am trying to follow the protocol almost exactly.

        The full command I am running is:

        -database $ROSETTA_DATABASE
        -s grafting/model-0.pdb
        -antibody:auto_generate_kink_constraint true
        -antibody:constrain_vlvh_qq true
        -constraints:cst_weight 1.0
        -extrachi_cutoff 0
        -out:file:scorefile /output/myantibody.score
        -out:path:all /output/
        -nstruct 1 // Set to 1 for testing


        Does anyone have any idea what this error means in the context of using RosettaAntibody3 to build a homology model, specifically a VHH?



      • #15455

          I should also mention that I am using Rosetta 3.12.

        • #15456

            “No input sequences” seems self explanatory. In the instructions you linked there is talk of a  “-fasta” attribute in the second paragraph. Maybe it’s that that is missing?

          • #15458

              Looks like you are correct. The flags

              -fasta myfasta.fa -vhh_only

              are indeed requred for the antibody_H3 application. This was pretty unclear in the documentation, so thank you for bringing it up.

              NOTE: obviously, the vhh_only flag is only required whenn modeling single heavy chain antibodies.

            • #15459


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