Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General RosettaHoles

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    • #1131

        Good Afternoon,

        We were wondering if Rosetta3.3 had the ability to use scoring as described in

        RosettaHoles: Rapid assessment of protein core packing for structure prediction, refinement, design, and validation by Will Sheffler and David Baker

        We have searched the forum for how to utilize it but were not able to find a solution.

        Any help would be greatly appreciated.


      • #6506

          Packstat (the Holes application) was removed from 3.3. It is in the 3.2 version (and should work fine), try the older version. I would expect it will come out again in 3.4.

        • #7440

            We use Rosetta3.4 here and we would like to here about the news of RosettaHoles, too. Could you share it, ge0rgekh0ury? Is it available in 3.4? TIA

          • #6510

              Thanks for your response. Can you point us to an example of how to run/access packstat to be able to use RosettaHoles. We have looked in the manual are not able to understand how to use it. We have both 3.3 and 3.2 installed.
              Thank you in advance.

            • #6511

                Well….it was taken out of 3.3 due to the lack of documentation, so there probably isn’t any documentation in the 3.2 manual either. I’ve emailed the developer to see if he’ll help.

              • #6513

                  I passed along your email to Will, he said he’d contact you when he get a chance.

                • #6515

                    Thanks so much for your help. Have a good afternoon!

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