RosettaMP: issue with generating .lips4 file

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    • #3071

        Hi Rosetta users,

        I am experiencing trouble using RosettaMP to predict membrane protein structures. I am currently following the RosettaMP tutorial, which can be found here (

        To briefly describe what I have done:

        1. generate structure fragments using Robetta server

        2. generate a span file using OCTOPUS server and the script,

        3. generate lipophilicity prediction file (.lips4 file) using

        I confirmed that I have nr database, blastpgp, and script and when I run the script,, it actually outputs _.blast file, _.blast.msa, and etc which seem proper. It seems there is no problem in running blastpgp. However, some warnings are followed after the blastpgp step such as 

        Use of uninitialized value highest_lipo_index in array element at /Users/siyoungkim/software/rosetta_src_2018.44.60488_bundle/main/source/src/apps/public/membrane_abinitio/ line 201.

        Use of uninitialized value within resnum in array dereference at /Users/siyoungkim/software/rosetta_src_2018.44.60488_bundle/main/source/src/apps/public/membrane_abinitio/ line 201.

        Use of uninitialized value lowest_lipo_index in array element at /Users/siyoungkim/software/rosetta_src_2018.44.60488_bundle/main/source/src/apps/public/membrane_abinitio/ line 202

        I didn’t copy the whole warnings as they look similar with the above warnings. In the .lips4 file, there is only one line printed, “Lipid exposed data: resnum mean-lipo lipophil entropy”, but nothing else. 

        My OS is MacOSX and the version of perl is v5.18.2. Thanks for your help in advance.



      • #15545

          Hi,ksy141,Have you solved the problem yet, I faced the same problem.

        • #15546


            I have also had problems with this process. Could I ask which version of the nr database you are using, and where you obtained the blastpgp application?

            If it is of any help, I have found that the new ab initio TrRosetta deep-learning algorithm on the Robetta server ( can be quite good at predicting membrane protein structures.  

          • #15547


              I have also had problems with this process. Could I ask which version of the nr database you are using, and where you obtained the blastpgp application?

              If it is of any help, I have found that the new ab initio TrRosetta deep-learning algorithm on the Robetta server ( can be quite good at predicting membrane protein structures.  

            • #15601

                Has any solution to this been found? I’m having the same issue.

              • #15617

                  Hi all, 

                  After a few hours in the perl debugger I managed to get this worked out. The issue seems to be that the server called to generate some of the files is dead. The script needed as a text file can be found here:

                  If you download that, save it as a .pl file and make it an executable, and then make sure the path to call perl in the first line are edited/correct. I also had to remove the -w/-d flag because calling these modes from inside another perl script was causing issues (that might be specific to my set-up). 

                  Then change the portion of line #127 in “curl -s $url” to “~WHEREVER-YOU-SAVED-THE-FILE/”. 

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