Script not working

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    • #1610

        Dear friends
        i am trying to run script “” but its not running and showing error massage….
        how can i come out of it.. Please help

        zebrafish@ubuntu:~/rosII/rosetta-3.5/rosetta_demos/public/dock_ligand_and_proteins/scripts$ python
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File “”, line 11, in
        from amino_acids import longer_names
        ImportError: No module named amino_acids

      • #8892

          The module is in rosetta_source/src/python/apps/public/

          If you copy or link that file to the rosetta_demos/public/dock_ligand_and_proteins/scripts/ directory, the script should work.

        • #8894

            One more problem i am facing is that when i am running “ -c -n RAP rap.mol” its generating RAP.fa.params RAP.cen.params but not generating the RAP.params file for my lingand. Even more same thing happening with other ligads also … :(

            output of given command:

            zebrafish@ubuntu:~/rosII/rosetta-3.5/rosetta_demos/public/dock_ligand_and_proteins/Part1$ /home/zebrafish/rosII/rosetta-3.5/rosetta_source/src/python/apps/public/ -c -n RAP rap.mol
            Centering ligands at ( -8.689, 26.857, 36.818)
            Atom names contain duplications — renaming all atoms.
            Total naive charge -5.315, desired charge 0.000, offsetting all atoms by 0.033
            WARNING: fragment 1 has 162 total atoms including H; protein residues have 7 – 24 (DNA: 33)
            WARNING: fragment 1 has 65 non-H atoms; protein residues have 4 – 14 (DNA: 22)
            WARNING: fragment 1 has 14 rotatable bonds; protein residues have 0 – 4
            Average 162.0 atoms (65.0 non-H atoms) per fragment
            (Proteins average 15.5 atoms (7.8 non-H atoms) per residue)
            WARNING: no root atom specified, using auto-selected NBR atom instead.
            WARNING: skipping extra samples for proton chis; would give 43046721 conformers
            Wrote params file RAP.fa.params
            Wrote PDB file RAP_0001.fa.pdb
            WARNING: skipping extra samples for proton chis; would give 43046721 conformers
            Wrote params file RAP.cen.params
            Wrote PDB file RAP_0001.cen.pdb

          • #8911

              Thanks for your valuable reply. :)

            • #8912

                Hii, i stucked again while running the demo file the ligand docking protocal (/rosetta-3.5/rosetta_demos/public/dock_ligand_and_proteins)”, this time ERROR related to mover its showing

                “Error: ERROR: Exception caught by JobDistributor while trying to get pose from job FKBP+RAP_0001’SlideTogether’ mover requires chains tag” output showing bellow:

                setting ligand_soft_rep weight hack_elec to 0.42
                defined score function “hard_rep” with weights “ligand”
                setting hard_rep weight hack_elec to 0.42
                protocols.jd2.DockDesignParser: Defined mover named “translate” of type Translate
                protocols.jd2.DockDesignParser: Defined mover named “rotate” of type Rotate
                Error: ERROR: Exception caught by JobDistributor while trying to get pose from job FKBP+RAP_0001’SlideTogether’ mover requires chains tag
                Error: Treating failure as bad input; canceling similar jobs
                protocols.jd2.FileSystemJobDistributor: job failed, reporting bad input; other jobs of same input will be canceled: FKBP+RAP_0001
                protocols.jd2.JobDistributor: no more batches to process…
                protocols.jd2.JobDistributor: 1 jobs considered, 1 jobs attempted in 4 seconds

              • #8979

                  thanks ………. its working now

                • #8893

                    Its working now
                    thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks a lot :)

                  • #8896

                      The RAP.fa.params file *is* the RAP.params file you get normally. It’s entirely identical. It’s just named differently so you don’t accidentally confuse the full atom params file with the centroid one you’ve also generated.

                    • #8915

                        The interface to the SlideTogether mover changed from when the demo was written to when 3.5 was released.

                        Instead of taking just a single chain, the SlideTogether mover now takes a list of chains, comma seperated. Just change “chain=X” to “chains=X” in dock_ligand_and_proteins/Part2/ligand_dock.xml and it should work.

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