Segmentation fault (core dumped) denovo_density.linuxgccrelease

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General Segmentation fault (core dumped) denovo_density.linuxgccrelease

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    • #2893

        I’m trying to run the below script, I’m getting a lot of lines liek the following. I would appreciate your help with that. Thanks. 


        ./ line 23: 22106 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $ROSETTA3/source/bin/denovo_density.linuxgccrelease -in::file::fasta /home/labusr/Desktop/chlamy_paper/pacrg_fap20.fasta -fragfile /home/labusr/Desktop/chlamy_paper/pacrg_fap20_9mer -mapfile /home/labusr/Desktop/chlamy_paper/PACRG_FAP20_8nmmap_4_4angstrome_res_one_unit.mrc -n_to_search 1000 -n_filtered 4500 -n_output 50 -bw 16 -atom_mask_min 2 -atom_mask 3 -clust_radius 3 -clust_oversample 4 -point_radius 3 -movestep 1 -delR 2 -frag_dens 0.8 -ncyc 3 -min_bb false -pos $1 -out:file:silent round1_pacrg_fap20/pacrg_fap20.$1.silent



        mkdir -p round1_pacrg_fap20

        -in::file::fasta /home/labusr/Desktop/chlamy_paper/pacrg_fap20.fasta
        -fragfile /home/labusr/Desktop/chlamy_paper/pacrg_fap20_9mer
        -mapfile /home/labusr/Desktop/chlamy_paper/PACRG_FAP20_8nmmap_4_4angstrome_res_one_unit.mrc
        -n_to_search 1000 -n_filtered 4500 -n_output 50
        -bw 16
        -atom_mask_min 2
        -atom_mask 3
        -clust_radius 3
        -clust_oversample 4
        -point_radius 3
        -movestep 1
        -delR 2
        -frag_dens 0.8
        -ncyc 3
        -min_bb false
        -pos $1
        -out:file:silent round1_pacrg_fap20/pacrg_fap20.$1.silent



      • #14193

          This isn’t enough log to tell us anything unfortunately.  Standard advice for segfaults applies: re-run in debug mode, possibly also with -out:level 500, and then let’s see what’s at the end of the log file.  Be sure to run straight in terminal, not piped into a file, since that will eat the last log chunk when it crashes.

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