Sequence Tolerance Failed

Member Site Forums ROSIE ROSIE – General Sequence Tolerance Failed

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    • #2557

        Dear all,


        I submitted six jobs to Rosie (28069 through 28074) under the username dstork. They failed quickly with no error messages beyond “Failed * Tech support has been notified of this error” anywhere that I can see. After waiting a few weeks the issue hasn’t been resolved. What can I do to get this job to work?



      • #12051

          I looked at the first one.  The PDB has at least one flaw: the TER card inserted between chains didn’t get an endline character, so it looks like this:

          ATOM   4278 2HA  GLY A 314     -22.943 -27.890 -53.537  1.00  0.00              

          TERATOM  37105  CA  LYS B   2      -5.906 -14.805 -49.957  1.00  0.00              

          ATOM  37106  C   LYS B   2      -6.439 -13.943 -51.110  1.00  0.00              


          I guess that could be the problem, especially if that was a residue you were working with.  

        • #12572

            I looked at the first one.  The PDB has at least one flaw: the TER card inserted between chains didn’t get an endline character, so it looks like this:

            ATOM   4278 2HA  GLY A 314     -22.943 -27.890 -53.537  1.00  0.00              

            TERATOM  37105  CA  LYS B   2      -5.906 -14.805 -49.957  1.00  0.00              

            ATOM  37106  C   LYS B   2      -6.439 -13.943 -51.110  1.00  0.00              


            I guess that could be the problem, especially if that was a residue you were working with.  

          • #13093

              I looked at the first one.  The PDB has at least one flaw: the TER card inserted between chains didn’t get an endline character, so it looks like this:

              ATOM   4278 2HA  GLY A 314     -22.943 -27.890 -53.537  1.00  0.00              

              TERATOM  37105  CA  LYS B   2      -5.906 -14.805 -49.957  1.00  0.00              

              ATOM  37106  C   LYS B   2      -6.439 -13.943 -51.110  1.00  0.00              


              I guess that could be the problem, especially if that was a residue you were working with.  

            • #12059

                Thank you for your fast response, that was a good catch. I fixed the TER issue, resubmitted (2841728422) and got the same problem. Could the issue be that between Chain A & Chain B the atom number jumps from 4278 to 37105 because this was originally a much larger file?


              • #12580

                  Thank you for your fast response, that was a good catch. I fixed the TER issue, resubmitted (2841728422) and got the same problem. Could the issue be that between Chain A & Chain B the atom number jumps from 4278 to 37105 because this was originally a much larger file?


                • #13101

                    Thank you for your fast response, that was a good catch. I fixed the TER issue, resubmitted (2841728422) and got the same problem. Could the issue be that between Chain A & Chain B the atom number jumps from 4278 to 37105 because this was originally a much larger file?


                  • #12061

                      Sergey showed me a log file I couldn’t find that shows there’s a bug in the script being run.  No idea when it can be fixed.

                    • #12582

                        Sergey showed me a log file I couldn’t find that shows there’s a bug in the script being run.  No idea when it can be fixed.

                      • #13103

                          Sergey showed me a log file I couldn’t find that shows there’s a bug in the script being run.  No idea when it can be fixed.

                        • #12063

                            Thank you for the information and the help.

                            I will pursue other ways of doing the same computation, but I still hope to run it here eventually. 

                          • #12584

                              Thank you for the information and the help.

                              I will pursue other ways of doing the same computation, but I still hope to run it here eventually. 

                            • #13105

                                Thank you for the information and the help.

                                I will pursue other ways of doing the same computation, but I still hope to run it here eventually. 

                              • #12067

                                  Script is not fixed but only “positive” result is that app is now terminated silently. I am contacting original auhor of this app so maybe he will know what going on here…

                                • #12588

                                    Script is not fixed but only “positive” result is that app is now terminated silently. I am contacting original auhor of this app so maybe he will know what going on here…

                                  • #13109

                                      Script is not fixed but only “positive” result is that app is now terminated silently. I am contacting original auhor of this app so maybe he will know what going on here…

                                    • #12060

                                        I expect not.  Rosetta ignores atom numbers in all cases of which I am aware.  It pays close attention to RESIDUES and their numbering, but not the atom numbers.

                                        There don’t seem to be log files for me to diagnose further.  Maybe there’s a missing executable or something server side.  I’ll bring it Sergey’s attention.

                                      • #12581

                                          I expect not.  Rosetta ignores atom numbers in all cases of which I am aware.  It pays close attention to RESIDUES and their numbering, but not the atom numbers.

                                          There don’t seem to be log files for me to diagnose further.  Maybe there’s a missing executable or something server side.  I’ll bring it Sergey’s attention.

                                        • #13102

                                            I expect not.  Rosetta ignores atom numbers in all cases of which I am aware.  It pays close attention to RESIDUES and their numbering, but not the atom numbers.

                                            There don’t seem to be log files for me to diagnose further.  Maybe there’s a missing executable or something server side.  I’ll bring it Sergey’s attention.

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