Member Site Forums ROSIE ROSIE – General SNUGDOCK

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    • #3015


        I tried running snugdock on ROSIE. The run finished and when I downloaded the output files from the server, I got this messge in the output.json file:

        "cpu_usage": 0.9324999999999994,
        "docked_proteins": [],
        "essential": [
        "log": "nCould not find essential file trigger-00000.prepack_trigger/proteins_prepacked.pdb in DB!n",
        "prepak.pdb": "output/trigger-00000.prepack_trigger/proteins_prepacked.pdb",
        "score.sf": "output/trigger-00001.snug_dock_trigger/score.sf",
        "status": 0


        However, I do have a proteins.prepacked.pdb file in the  outputtrigger-00000.prepack_trigger directory.

        The job number is 52615. Please help.




      • #14469

          Error in json file is a bit missleading in this case. The real error could be seen here: i am posting relevant part of the log below:


          [ERROR] Exception caught by JobDistributor for job proteins_0004

          H1 start resnum for North definition not found in pose: 23 H  

          Please check pdb is renumbered properly and the passed -numbering_scheme option matches the PDB. 

          This could also mean missing density in the cdr loop.  Loop modeling applications can be used to fill missing residues 



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