snugdock and rosetta 3.2??

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General snugdock and rosetta 3.2??

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    • #804


        I was wondering if snugdock can be run in 3.2. If not do I have to install 2.3 version and snugdock separately?


      • #5079

          I know I wrote a response to this last night, I must have failed to post it somehow…

          I don’t follow the names of the applications, but looking at the code, I’m guessing snugdock is an antibody application? There are a few references to it scattered through the 3.2 release but no executable called snugdock. I don’t think there’s an antibody executable at all in the 3.2 release, although most of the underlying library code appears to be present. You may want to shoot an email to the PI to see if/when they plan on releasing it in 3.x.

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