“sparks failed” error when running “make_fragments.pl”?

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    • #3244

        -Precision-7920-Tower:make_fragments.pl -verbose myfasta.fasta
        no id specified. parsing filename instead.
        cannot parse id from filename so using 't001_'
        ID: t001 CHAIN: _
        File for psipred not found! Generating from scratch instead.
        picking fragments with options:
        DEBUG: 1
        chain: _
        cleanup: 1
        csbuild_profile: 0
        exclude_homologs_by_pdb_date: 0
        f: myfasta.fasta
        fastafile: t001_.fasta
        frags: 1
        homs: 1
        id: t001
        n_candidates: 1000
        n_frags: 200
        old_name_format: 0
        porter: 0
        psipred: 1
        rundir: /rosetta/rosetta-abintio-prediction
        runid: t001_
        sam: 0
        torsion_bin: 0
        verbose: 1

        FILENAME: t001_.fasta
        Running sparks for phi, psi, and solvent accessibility predictions
        t001_.fasta.pssm exists
        At line 239 of file phipsi_ss0.f (unit = 77, file = '/media/Deepak/NPRP10/softwares/rosetta/rosetta_src_2019.31.60840_bundle/tools/fragment_tools/sparks-x/SPINE-X/weights/ss')
        Fortran runtime error: End of file
        Aborting: Can't run first SS0 predictor
        Error in file: t001_.fasta.phipsi
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/media/Deepak/NPRP10/softwares/rosetta/rosetta_src_2019.31.60840_bundle/tools/fragment_tools/sparks-x/bin/buildinp.py", line 255, in run1
        buildinp(fphipsiss, fmat, finp)
        File "/media/Deepak/NPRP10/softwares/rosetta/rosetta_src_2019.31.60840_bundle/tools/fragment_tools/sparks-x/bin/buildinp.py", line 238, in buildinp
        seq1, ssec1, phipsi1, Fphipsi = rdphipsi(fphipsiss)
        File "/media/Deepak/NPRP10/softwares/rosetta/rosetta_src_2019.31.60840_bundle/tools/fragment_tools/sparks-x/bin/buildinp.py", line 9, in rdphipsi
        for line in file(fn):
        IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 't001_.fasta.phipsi'
        sparks path length > 100 characters, which may cause internal errors. Try moving to a shorter path prefix.
        sparks failed!

        Dear Friends, 


        the above error comes when running “make_fragments.pl”. Can you please let me know how this can be solved? 



      • #14928


          as the error says:

          sparks path length > 100 characters, which may cause internal errors. Try moving to a shorter path prefix.
          sparks failed!

          the poblem is that sparksX is hardcoded to look at only the first 100 or so characters of a file path.


          so if you can, make a smylink to the tools folder much higher up in directory space.

          ie something like:

          ln -s /media/Deepak/NPRP10/softwares/rosetta/rosetta_src_2019.31.60840_bundle/tools/ /media/Deepak/rosetta_tools

          or just move the tools folder ‘higher up’ and it will work.


          make sure you run from /media/Deepka/rosetta_tools if you use that method though.it has to ‘think’ it’s a shorter path.


          • #14930

              thanks! I did this:


              ln -s /media/Deepak/NPRP10/softwares/rosetta/rosetta_src_2019.31.60840_bundle/tools/ /media/Deepak/NPRP10/rosetta_tools


              and then:


              Precision-7920-Tower:/media/Deepak/NPRP10/rosetta_tools/tools/fragment_tools# perl make_fragments.pl -verbose myfasta.fasta
              Use of uninitialized value $ENV{"FRAGMENT_PICKER_NUM_CPUS"} in int at make_fragments.pl line 35.
              Use of uninitialized value $ENV{"BLAST_NUM_CPUS"} in int at make_fragments.pl line 41.
              Use of uninitialized value $ENV{"PSIPRED_USE_weights_dat4"} in int at make_fragments.pl line 52.
              Use of uninitialized value $ENV{"SLAVE_LAUNCHER_MAX_JOBS"} in int at make_fragments.pl line 71.
              Use of uninitialized value $ENV{"SLAVE_MAX_WAIT"} in int at make_fragments.pl line 73.
              Use of uninitialized value $ENV{"SLAVE_MAX_ATTEMPTS"} in int at make_fragments.pl line 74.
              Use of uninitialized value $ENV{"PDB2VALL_IGNORE_ERRORS"} in int at make_fragments.pl line 80.
              no id specified. parsing filename instead.
              cannot parse id from filename so using 't001_'
              ID: t001 CHAIN: _
              File for psipred not found! Generating from scratch instead.
              picking fragments with options:
              DEBUG: 1
              chain: _
              cleanup: 1
              csbuild_profile: 0
              exclude_homologs_by_pdb_date: 0
              f: myfasta.fasta
              fastafile: t001_.fasta
              frags: 1
              homs: 1
              id: t001
              n_candidates: 1000
              n_frags: 200
              old_name_format: 0
              porter: 0
              psipred: 1
              rundir: /media/Deepak/NPRP10/softwares/rosetta/rosetta_src_2019.31.60840_bundle/tools/fragment_tools
              runid: t001_
              sam: 0
              torsion_bin: 0
              verbose: 1

              FILENAME: t001_.fasta
              Running sparks for phi, psi, and solvent accessibility predictions
              running psiblast for sequence: t001_.fasta
              At line 239 of file phipsi_ss0.f (unit = 77, file = '/media/Deepak/NPRP10/softwares/rosetta/rosetta_src_2019.31.60840_bundle/tools/fragment_tools/sparks-x/SPINE-X/weights/ss')
              Fortran runtime error: End of file
              Aborting: Can't run first SS0 predictor
              Error in file: t001_.fasta.phipsi
              Traceback (most recent call last):
              File "/media/Deepak/NPRP10/softwares/rosetta/rosetta_src_2019.31.60840_bundle/tools/fragment_tools/sparks-x/bin/buildinp.py", line 255, in run1
              buildinp(fphipsiss, fmat, finp)
              File "/media/Deepak/NPRP10/softwares/rosetta/rosetta_src_2019.31.60840_bundle/tools/fragment_tools/sparks-x/bin/buildinp.py", line 238, in buildinp
              seq1, ssec1, phipsi1, Fphipsi = rdphipsi(fphipsiss)
              File "/media/Deepak/NPRP10/softwares/rosetta/rosetta_src_2019.31.60840_bundle/tools/fragment_tools/sparks-x/bin/buildinp.py", line 9, in rdphipsi
              for line in file(fn):
              IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 't001_.fasta.phipsi'
              sparks path length > 100 characters, which may cause internal errors. Try moving to a shorter path prefix.
              sparks failed!


              It still takes the old path for some reason. Can you please let me know what am I doing wrong? thanks!

          • #14931

              Hrm that’s odd… unfortunately it seems like you will have to remove the symlink and mv the folder there completely.  sorry : (

              • #14933

                  thanks! do I need to move only the “spaks-x” folder up the path or all folders; database (657 GB), psipred, csblast, blast. I mean all the folders generated by “install_dependencies.pl”? thanks for your suggestions!

                • #14934

                    Ok, it works now, I just played around with sym linking appropriate folders and finally it works. thanks!

                  • #15206


                      I am currently facing the exact problem you did. Would you be able to share exactly how you set up your symlinks? I tried the initial one suggested by danpf and it also failed for me as well. It would be extremley helpful and appreciated. Thanks!

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